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改组 Pandas DataFrame 中的行,同时保留索引

[英]Shuffling rows in a Pandas DataFrame while retaining the index

I am currently trying to find a way to randomize items in a dataframe row-wise.我目前正在尝试找到一种方法来按行随机化 dataframe 中的项目。 I want to preserve the column names as well as the index.我想保留列名以及索引。 I just want to change the order of entries in my dataframe.我只想更改 dataframe 中的条目顺序。

Currently, I was using目前,我正在使用

data = data.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)

However, this is causing some issues in terms of output.但是,这会导致 output 出现一些问题。 I don't think the rows are being shuffled properly.我不认为行被正确洗牌。 Is there another way to achieve that?还有其他方法可以实现吗?

The issue is that I am doing text analysis and when I am looking at the most correlated unigrams and bigrams with each class, I am getting different answers for shuffled and original data.问题是我正在做文本分析,当我查看每个 class 最相关的一元和二元时,我得到了洗牌和原始数据的不同答案。

This is the code I am using for monograms and bigrams这是我用于字母组合和双字母组合的代码

tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=True, 
                    norm = 'l2', 
                    ngram_range=(1, 2))

feat = tfidf.fit_transform(data['Combine']).toarray()

N = 5    # Number of examples to be listed
for f, i in sorted(category_labels.items()):
    chi2_feat = chi2(feat, labels == i)
    indices = np.argsort(chi2_feat[0])
    feat_names = np.array(tfidf.get_feature_names())[indices]
    unigrams = [w for w in feat_names if len(w.split(' ')) == 1]
    bigrams = [w for w in feat_names if len(w.split(' ')) == 2]
    print("\nFlair '{}':".format(f))
    print("Most correlated unigrams:\n\t. {}".format('\n\t. '.join(unigrams[-N:])))
    print("Most correlated bigrams:\n\t. {}".format('\n\t. '.join(bigrams[-N:])))

Just using data = data.sample(frac=1) samples the index as well and that is problematic.仅使用data = data.sample(frac=1)也会对索引进行采样,这是有问题的。 You can see the output below.您可以在下面看到 output。 We just need to change the values.我们只需要更改这些值。


The correct method to achieve this is by just sampling the values.实现此目的的正确方法是仅对值进行采样。 I just figured it out.我刚刚想通了。 We can do it this way.我们可以这样做。 Thank you everybody who tried to help.感谢所有试图提供帮助的人。

data[:] = data.sample(frac=1).values

I was getting the correct output from this.我从中得到了正确的 output 。

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