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如何使用 rxjava 和 room 链接查询

[英]How to chain queries with rxjava and room

I need to fill the fields of an object in order to post it to an API.我需要填写 object 的字段,以便将其发布到 API。

I am using rxjava and room but my chain of orders is failling我正在使用 rxjava 和 room 但我的订单链失败了

My daos我的道

abstract public class PokemonDao implements BaseDao<Pokemon>{
    @Query("SELECT * FROM pokemons ORDER BY id ASC")
    abstract public Flowable<List<Pokemon>> getAll();

abstract public class NoteDao implements BaseDao<Note>{

    @Query("SELECT * FROM notes WHERE idPokemon = :idPokemon ORDER BY registerDate DESC")
    abstract public Flowable<List<Note>> getNotes(int idPokemon);

I need to create an object that has the data of the pokemon with a list of notes associated我需要创建一个 object,其中包含口袋妖怪的数据以及相关的注释列表

I did the following on my viewmodel我在我的视图模型上做了以下

                .flatMap(new Function<List<Pokemon>, ObservableSource<?>>() {
                    public ObservableSource<?> apply(List<Pokemon> favourites) throws Exception {
                        return Observable.fromIterable(favourites);
    .flatMap(new Function<Object, ObservableSource<?>>() {
                public ObservableSource<?> apply(Object o) throws Exception {
                    return getNotesObservable((Favourite) o);

                    .subscribeWith(new SingleObserver<List<Object>>() {
                public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {


                public void onSuccess(List<Object> objects) {


                public void onError(Throwable e) {


I also use this method我也用这个方法

private Observable<Object> getNotesObservable(Pokemon favourite) {

    Observable<Object> lolo = noteRepository.getNotes(Integer.parseInt(favourite.getId()))
            .map(new Function<List<Note>, Object>() {
                public Favourite apply(List<Note> notes) throws Exception {
                    favourite.notesList= notes;
                    return favourite;

    return lolo;


My problem is that on the subscribeWith onNext method is never called.我的问题是 subscribeWith onNext 方法永远不会被调用。 My goal it that when onNext is called it should have a list of pokemon and each pokemon should have their notes我的目标是,当 onNext 被调用时,它应该有一个口袋妖怪列表,每个口袋妖怪都应该有他们的笔记


Below I describe Room-ish way for your task without RxJava下面我描述了在没有 RxJava 的情况下完成任务的 Room-ish 方式

Let's say you have these entities:假设您有以下实体:

public class Pokemon {
    @PrimaryKey public int id;
    public String name;
    // other fields

public class Note {
    @PrimaryKey public int noteId;
    public int pokemonId;
    // other fields

Then you can add another class (it's just a class with no connection to SQLite):然后你可以添加另一个 class (它只是一个 class 没有连接到 SQLite):

public class PokemonWithNotes {
    @Embedded public Pokemon pokemon; // here you'll get your pokemon
         parentColumn = "id",
         entityColumn = "pokemonId"
    public List<Note> notesList; // here you'll het your notes' list

and add method to your dao:并将方法添加到您的 dao:

@Query("SELECT * FROM Pokemon")
public List<PokemonWithNotes> getPokemonListWithNotes();

Room orders to this method to get both Pokemons and Notes and connect them (without two queries)房间命令到这个方法来获取口袋妖怪和笔记并连接它们(没有两个查询)

Using this method you'll get your List with Pokemons and notes.使用此方法,您将获得包含口袋妖怪和笔记的列表。

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