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[英]if variable name in data frame column matches names in a vector rename variable

Given a data frame and a vector给定一个数据框和一个向量


feature <- sample(LETTERS,30,replace = T)
number<-sample(1:100,30, replace = T)


I want to scan through df$feature and if a letter stored in rename matches one in the column df$feature I want to rename them to "other" .我想扫描df$feature ,如果rename中存储的字母与df$feature列中的一个字母匹配,我想将它们重命名为"other"

I am quite sure that this must have been answered somewhere already, I have looked for a quite long time though.我很确定这一定已经在某个地方得到了回答,不过我已经找了很长时间了。

You can use %in% to find the rows which hold rename :您可以使用%in%查找包含rename的行:

df$feature[df$feature %in% rename] <- "other"

In case df$feature is a factor and does not contain other in the levels you need to add other to the levels before you exchange them with:如果df$feature是一个factor并且不包含other级别,则您需要在与以下级别交换之前将other添加到级别:

levels(df$feature) <- unique(c(levels(df$feature), "other"))

or you cast it to character with:或者您将其转换为character

df$feature <- as.character(df$feature)

One option using dplyr :使用dplyr一种选择:

df %>%
  mutate(feature = str_replace(feature, paste(rename, collapse = "|"), "other"))

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