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如何在 ScalaFX 中动态地将节点添加到 VBox

[英]How to dynamically add Nodes to VBox in ScalaFX

My ScalaFX app has a Button that adds a GridPane to a VBox .我的 ScalaFX 应用程序有一个Button ,可将GridPane添加到VBox I tried directly updating the VBox children in Button.onAction but that causes the Button to become non-responsive after rendering the first added GridPane .我尝试直接更新Button.onAction中的VBox子级,但这会导致Button在渲染第一个添加的GridPane后变得无响应。 I am now trying the following code:我现在正在尝试以下代码:

import scalafx.scene.{Node, Scene}
import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.geometry.Insets
import scalafx.scene.control.{Button, Label}
import scalafx.scene.layout.{GridPane, VBox}
import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer

object Gui extends JFXApp {

  stage = new JFXApp.PrimaryStage {
    title = "DSP Lab"
    scene = new Scene(320, 300) {

      val bufferOfNodes = new ObservableBuffer[Node]

      val vBox = new VBox {
        children = bufferOfNodes // assign ObservableBuffer to children

      val addGridPaneButton = new Button {
        text = "Add GridPane to VBox"
        onAction = _ => {
          bufferOfNodes += getNewGridPane // update the ObservableBuffer

      content = List(addGridPaneButton, vBox)


  def getNewGridPane: GridPane = new GridPane {
    vgap = 5
    hgap = 10
    padding = Insets(20)

    val sampleFrequencyLabel = new Label("Sample Frequency:")
    val sampleFrequencyField = new DoubleField
    val amplitudeLabel = new Label("Amplitude:")
    val amplitudeField = new DoubleField
    add(sampleFrequencyLabel, 0, 0)
    add(sampleFrequencyField, 1, 0)
    add(amplitudeLabel, 0, 1)
    add(amplitudeField, 1, 1)

By assigning VBox.children to the ObservableBuffer[Node] the Button stays responsive and onAction adds the GridPane to bufferOfNodes but the GridPane s seem to never get added to the VBox and they are never rendered.通过将VBox.children分配给ObservableBuffer[Node] Button保持响应,并且onActionGridPane添加到bufferOfNodesGridPane似乎永远不会添加到VBox并且它们永远不会被渲染。

Is there a way to do this?有没有办法做到这一点?

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