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使用 pymongo 将数组插入 mongodb

[英]insert array into mongodb using pymongo

I am trying to add array into mongdb using pymongo我正在尝试使用 pymongo 将数组添加到 mongdb

I have another program that will return something like我有另一个程序会返回类似

['1 aksdfjas;dkfjsa;dfkj','2 ;alksdjf;askdjf;asdfjkasdf', '3 ;alksdfj;asdlkfj;asdfj']

and I want to add them into the insert.我想将它们添加到插入中。

1)I cannot think of any other ways to do it so I am converting them to string and concatenate and trying to add them to the post(there must be better way no?) 1)我想不出任何其他方法来做到这一点,所以我将它们转换为字符串并连接并尝试将它们添加到帖子中(必须有更好的方法不是吗?)

2)When I do this, instead of desire affect, I get 2)当我这样做时,我得到的不是欲望影响

["'1 aksdfjas;dkfjsa;dfkj','2 ;alksdjf;askdjf;asdfjkasdf', '3 ;alksdfj;asdlkfj;asdfj'",]

That extra quotes.. how can I correct this?额外的引号..我该如何纠正这个?

import pymongo
import time
import datetime
from random import *
from pymongo import MongoClient

client = MongoClient('mongodb://user:abc123@')

stringToStuff = 'blabh blah blahhhhh'

def createLoop():
    return randint(5,15)

def tGenerator(e):
    returnString = '' 
    for i in range(e):
        returnString +=  "'" + str(i+1) + " " + stringToStuff + "',"
    return returnString

db = client['pytest']
collection = db['test']
names = db.test.find()

collection2 = db['pytestResult']
for p in names:
    name2 = p['name'] 

    #post = {"name":name2,"score":8,"date":datetime.datetime.now()}
    post = {
        #”output”: ['1 aksdfjas;dkfjsa;dfkj','2 ;alksdjf;askdjf;asdfjkasdf', '3 ;alksdfj;asdlkfj;asdfj',]
        “output”: [tGenerator(createLoop())]

First, change how you are constructing the string from tGenerator method to below:首先,将构建字符串的方式从tGenerator方法更改为以下:

returnString += str(i+1) + " " + stringToStuff + ","

Second, you can use the split method to do the required, so your insertion will look something like below:其次,您可以使用split方法来执行所需的操作,因此您的插入将如下所示:

post = {
    "output": tGenerator(createLoop()).split(',')

I hope, the above works for you.我希望,以上内容对你有用。

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