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Python class 和方法 - 访问和更改属性的最佳实践?

[英]Python class and methods - best practice for accessing and altering attributes?

TLDR: What's best practice for accessing and altering attributes of a class instance? TLDR:访问和更改 class 实例的属性的最佳做法是什么?

Let's say we have a class to generate an object that is intended to hold data about a product (eg maybe a product master dataset).假设我们有一个 class 来生成一个 object,该 object 旨在保存有关产品的数据(例如,可能是产品主数据集)。

class StoreProduct(object):

    def __init__(self,ProductID,ProductPrice,ProductDescription):
        self.ProductID = ProductID
        self.ProductPrice = ProductPrice
        self.ProductDescription = ProductDescription

    def ChangeProductPrice(self, newProductPrice):
        self.ProductPrice = newProductPrice

And we have another class we may be able to use to access those instances generated by StoreProduct(), with methods for making adjustments / changes.我们还有另一个 class,我们可以使用它来访问由 StoreProduct() 生成的那些实例,以及进行调整/更改的方法。

class ChangeProductData(object):

    def __init__(self):
    def ChangeProductObjectPrice(newProductPrice,ProductObject):

        ProductObject.ProductPrice = newProductPrice

So we generate an instance named Product1:所以我们生成一个名为 Product1 的实例:

Product1 = StoreProduct(
    ProductDescription="A nice lamp"

What's best practice coding for reading and/or altering class instances?读取和/或更改 class 实例的最佳实践编码是什么?

If I wanted to alter an attribute in Product 1 (in this case the price) is something like this acceptable in general, or is it bad code?如果我想改变产品 1 中的一个属性(在本例中是价格),这样的事情一般来说是可以接受的,还是它是错误的代码?

Method 1方法一


Or is this the preferred way to do it?或者这是首选的方式吗?

Method 2方法二


When might there be exceptions?什么时候可能会有例外?

While the above are simplified situations, what I've currently read seems to indicate that Method 2 might be better practice.虽然以上是简化的情况,但我目前阅读的内容似乎表明方法 2 可能是更好的做法。 However, wouldn't Method 1 provide greater flexibility in future (eg if you need to change how a method works, or add new methods).但是,方法 1 是否会在将来提供更大的灵活性(例如,如果您需要更改方法的工作方式或添加新方法)。

I have also been reading into getattr() and setattr(), but people seem to be mixed on whether its better than using dot (eg Product1.ProductPrice to get the price).我也一直在阅读 getattr() 和 setattr(),但人们似乎对它是否比使用点更好(例如 Product1.ProductPrice 来获取价格)感到困惑。

Definitely method 2. As @user2357112 mentions, method 1 doesn't make sense.绝对是方法 2。正如 @user2357112 提到的,方法 1 没有意义。 As you rightly pointed out, this is a simple scenario and the pythonic way would be use property正如您正确指出的那样,这是一个简单的场景,pythonic 方式是使用property

class StoreProduct(object):  # minor: please notice the PEP styling
    def __init__(self, product_price):
        self._price = produce_price
        # other attributes, omitted for brevity

    def product_price(self):  # pythonic getter
        return self._price

    def product_price(self, new_price):  # python setter
        # you could do any custom validation before setting
        self._price = new_price

Coming to the question of来到这个问题

I'm specifically tackling the issue of whether accessing and altering an class' attribute with another class is a big no-no.我正在专门解决使用另一个 class 访问和更改类属性是否是一个大禁忌的问题。

  • Accessing: Accessing is okay here.访问:这里访问是可以的。 In fact many design patterns that rely on composition heavily do this.事实上,许多严重依赖组合的设计模式都是这样做的。 eg, adapter , strategy , decorator , command etc patterns例如, adapterstrategydecoratorcommand等模式

  • Altering: You want the class owning the attribute to be in charge of "altering".改变:你想让拥有属性的class负责“改变”。 Foreign classes should only request to alter .外国班应该只要求改变

PS This is treading a bit along the lines of CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) pattern PS 这有点像 CQRS(命令查询责任分离)模式

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