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用 cython 导入 C function,如何将指针传递给 python ZC1C425Z54AB14

[英]Importing C function with cython, how to pass a pointer to a python function

I'm trying to make a function which is defined in a C library callable from python.我正在尝试制作一个 function,它在 C 库中定义,可从 python 调用。 I'm begginer with cython n C我是 cython n C 的初学者

Sooo in short I ended up having the following problem:简而言之,我最终遇到了以下问题:

#.pyx file
cdef extern from "lsd.h":
    double *lsd_scale(int *n_out, double *img, int X, int Y, double scale)

def detector(int n_out, double  img, int  X, int  Y, double scale):
    return lsd_scale(n_out, img, X, Y, scale)

The definition from library.h file library.h 文件中的定义

    @param n_out       Pointer to an int where LSD will store the number of
                       line segments detected.

    @param img         Pointer to input image data. It must be an array of
                       doubles of size X x Y, and the pixel at coordinates
                       (x,y) is obtained by img[x+y*X].

    @param X           X size of the image: the number of columns.

    @param Y           Y size of the image: the number of rows.

    @return            A double array of size 7 x n_out, containing the list
                       of line segments detected. The array contains first
                       7 values of line segment number 1, then the 7 values
                       of line segment number 2, and so on, and it finish
                       by the 7 values of line segment number n_out.
                       The seven values are:
                       - x1,y1,x2,y2,width,p,-log10(NFA)
                       for a line segment from coordinates (x1,y1) to (x2,y2),
                       a width 'width', an angle precision of p in (0,1) given
                       by angle_tolerance/180 degree, and NFA value 'NFA'.
                       If 'out' is the returned pointer, the 7 values of
                       line segment number 'n+1' are obtained with
                       'out[7*n+0]' to 'out[7*n+6]'.

Soo in short the question is how to indicate in the python function that n_out is a pointer to an integer and img is a pointer to an array.简而言之,问题是如何在 python function 中指示 n_out 是指向 integer 的指针,而 img 是指向数组的指针。 I tried the following我尝试了以下

ctypedef int*p_int
ctypedef double*p_double

cdef extern from "lsd.h":
    double *lsd_scale(int *n_out, double *img, int X, int Y, double scale)

def detector(p_int n_out, p_double  img, int  X, int  Y, double scale):
    return lsd_scale(n_out, img, X, Y, scale)

But throws same error但抛出同样的错误

Error compiling Cython file:

cdef extern from "lsd.h":
    double *lsd_scale(int *n_out, double *img, int X, int Y, double scale)

def detector(int n_out, double  img, int  X, int  Y, double scale):
    return lsd_scale(n_out, img, X, Y, scale)

detector.pyx:6:21: Cannot assign type 'int' to 'int *'

Error compiling Cython file:

cdef extern from "lsd.h":
    double *lsd_scale(int *n_out, double *img, int X, int Y, double scale)

def detector(int n_out, double  img, int  X, int  Y, double scale):
    return lsd_scale(n_out, img, X, Y, scale)

detector.pyx:6:28: Cannot assign type 'double' to 'double *'

Error compiling Cython file:

cdef extern from "lsd.h":
    double *lsd_scale(int *n_out, double *img, int X, int Y, double scale)

def detector(int n_out, double  img, int  X, int  Y, double scale):
    return lsd_scale(n_out, img, X, Y, scale)

Thanks for helping感谢您的帮助

The idea should be to create a useful Python interface, not directly reproduce the C interface.思路应该是创建一个有用的Python接口,而不是直接复制C接口。 Some of these arguments are pointless to the Python interface because they're already stored in (say) a Numpy array.其中一些 arguments 对 Python 接口毫无意义,因为它们已经存储在(例如)Numpy 数组中。

double *img, int X, int Y all describe the input array. double *img, int X, int Y都描述了输入数组。 Essentially the requirement is "2D, contiguous block of memory".本质上,要求是“2D,连续的内存块”。 In Cython this can be expressed using a typed memoryview:在 Cython 中,这可以使用类型化的 memoryview 来表达:

def detector(..., double[:,::1] img, ...):
    ... = lsd_scale(..., &img[0,0], # address of first element
                         img.shape[0], img.shape[1], # (it's possible these are the wrong way round, test!)

The return value and n_out combine to describe the output array, which is (7xn_out).返回值和n_out结合描述output数组,即(7xn_out)。 You could get Numpy to take ownership of this data , or you could copy the data.您可以让Numpy 获得此数据的所有权,或者您可以复制数据。 I recommend the latter.我推荐后者。 Therefore, you don't actually want n_out to be an input from Python.因此,您实际上并不希望n_out成为 Python 的输入。 Instead:反而:

def detector(...):
    cdef double[:,::1] result_memview # useful for later

    cdef int n_out
    cdef double* result = lsd_scale(&n_out, ...)
        # copy the data to an output array.
        # The following is an untested outline. Making it work is an exercise for you

        result_memview = <double[:7,:n_out:1]>result # make a temporary memoryview of the data
        return np.array(result_memview) # should make a copy, I think
        free(result) # cimported.

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