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使用 pandas 迭代 dataframe 并替换字符

[英]Iterating through dataframe with pandas and replacing characters

My data frame column named 'Shrinkage' looks like:我的名为“收缩”的数据框列如下所示:


With the following code, I am trying to perform multiple actions with a for loop and if statement.使用以下代码,我尝试使用 for 循环和 if 语句执行多个操作。 I would like to iterate through the column and if the object has the character '(' then I want to replace it with the character '-' to make that number negative. As well as finding and replacing the negative numbers, I would like to remove all characters and make the objects into floats to perform math with it.我想遍历该列,如果 object 具有字符“(”,那么我想将其替换为字符“-”以使该数字为负数。除了查找和替换负数外,我还想删除所有字符并将对象变为浮点数以使用它执行数学运算。

for i in ['Shrinkage']:
    if df['Shrinkage'] == '(':
        df['Shrinkage'] = df['Shrinkage'].replace({'(': '-'}).astype(float)
        df['Shrinkage'] = df['Shrinkage'].replace({'$': '', ')': '', ',': ''})
        df['Shrinkage'].replace({'$': '', ',': ''}, regex=True).astype(float)

I am getting a ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous.我得到一个 ValueError: 系列的真值是不明确的。 Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().使用 a.empty、a.bool()、a.item()、a.any() 或 a.all()。

Please understand I am still new to python and haven't got into complex code yet.请理解我对 python 还是新手,还没有进入复杂的代码。 Some help is needed please.需要一些帮助。

try this, series.replace and use regex to remove un-wanted characters.试试这个, series.replace并使用正则表达式删除不需要的字符。

df['Shrinkage'] = df['Shrinkage'].str.replace("\(|\$|\)|,", "")


output, output,

0     -614.0
1       -0.0
2       -0.0
3       -0.0
4       -0.0
5       -0.0
6       -0.0
7       -0.0
8     -125.0
9     -320.0
10   -3779.0
11    2482.0
Name: Shrinkage, dtype: float64

You can do this:你可以这样做:

df['Shrinkage'] = df['Shrinkage'].str.replace('\$|\)|\,', '')
df['Shrinkage'] = df['Shrinkage'].str.replace('\(', '-')
df['Shrinkage'] = df['Shrinkage'].astype(float)

0      -614.0
1         0.0
2         0.0
3         0.0
4         0.0
5         0.0
6         0.0
7         0.0
8      -125.0
9       320.0
10     3779.0
11    -2482.0

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