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Snap 无法在 Debian Buster Crostini 上挂载它的 squashfs 图像

[英]Snap is Unable to mount it's squashfs image on Debian Buster Crostini

I need help with a big problem with Snap Package Manager on Debian Buster Crostini.我需要帮助解决 Debian Buster Crostini 上 Snap Package Manager 的一个大问题。 Whenever I try to install Anbox with Snap package manager, it gives me the error:每当我尝试使用 Snap package 管理器安装 Anbox 时,都会出现错误:

error: system does not fully support snapd: cannot mount squashfs image using
   "squashfs": mount: /tmp/sanity-mountpoint-772933788: mount failed:
   Operation not permitted.

Can anyone help with this problem?谁能帮忙解决这个问题?

Try this command I found on Reddit:试试我在 Reddit 上找到的这个命令:

sudo apt install libsquashfuse0 squashfuse fuse

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