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Javascript Emacs 中的主模式

[英]Javascript major mode in Emacs

Which javascript major modes exist in Emacs, and what are their key-features? Emacs中存在哪些javascript主要模式,它们的主要特征是什么?

js2-mode: a new JavaScript mode for Emacs js2-mode:Emacs 的新 JavaScript 模式

This is part of a larger project, in progress, to permit writing Emacs extensions in JavaScript instead of Emacs-Lisp. 这是一个正在进行的更大项目的一部分,允许在 JavaScript 而不是 Emacs-Lisp 中编写 Emacs 扩展。


  • Mx customize MX定制
  • Accurate syntax highlighting准确的语法高亮
  • Indentation缩进
  • Code folding代码折叠
  • Comment and string filling注释和字符串填充
  • Syntax errors语法错误
  • Strict warnings严格警告
  • jsdoc highlighting jsdoc高亮显示

http://steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2008/03/js2-mode-new-javascript-mode-for-emacs.html http://steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2008/03/js2-mode-new-javascript-mode-for-emacs.html

With some documentation.带有一些文档。

I use Steve Yegge's js2-mode , and like it a lot.我使用 Steve Yegge 的js2-mode ,并且非常喜欢它。 It's quite configurable, its indentation ideas match mine, and most impressively it has a full JavaScript parser in it, so it can alert me to syntax errors as I type (indispensable for little things like trailing commas in property lists that bork IE).它是可配置的,它的缩进想法与我的相匹配,最令人印象深刻的是它有一个完整的 JavaScript 解析器,所以它可以在我键入时提醒我语法错误(对于像属性列表中的尾随逗号这样的小东西是必不可少的,这让 IE 感到厌烦)。

Espresso mode is supposed to be quite good as well.浓缩咖啡模式应该也很好。

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