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我可以获得当前运行的 java 可执行文件的路径吗?

[英]Can I get the path of the currently running java executable?

Suppose I want to run a java program from the command line and I use this command:假设我想从命令行运行 java 程序并使用以下命令:

myExes\java\java.exe AJavaProgram

As you can see, java.exe is not in my path, so I am running it manually rather than simply using the command java AJavaProgram .如您所见, java.exe 不在我的路径中,所以我手动运行它,而不是简单地使用命令java AJavaProgram

I would like the program to return/print the first entry in the command, in this case, that entry is myExes\java .我希望程序返回/打印命令中的第一个条目,在这种情况下,该条目是myExes\java (Including java.exe at the end of this is also fine). (包括最后的java.exe也可以)。

Is there a way to do this?有没有办法做到这一点?

Initially, I thought it would be simple.最初,我认为这很简单。 args[0] would return the path, but that is not the case. args[0] 将返回路径,但事实并非如此。

ProcessHandle.current() returns the current Java process. ProcessHandle.current()返回当前 Java 进程。 You can use that to see the full command in the process handle's info:您可以使用它来查看进程句柄信息中的完整命令:

    cmd -> System.out.println(cmd));

You can't get the string "myExes\java\java.exe" , but you can get the location of the Java installation.无法获取字符串"myExes\java\java.exe" ,但可以获取 Java 安装的位置。

The following are results for running with OpenJDK 14 on Windows 10:以下是在 Windows 10 上使用 OpenJDK 14 运行的结果:


Output Output


For reference, the full path of java.exe is:作为参考, java.exe的完整路径为:


When you do myExes\java\java.exe AJavaProgram AJavaProgram is the arg to java.exe and not the reverse.当您执行myExes\java\java.exe AJavaProgram AJavaProgram ,它是java.exe的参数,而不是相反。 Its the same when you do java AJavaProgram , AJavaProgram is the arg to java .当您执行java AJavaProgram时,它是相同的, AJavaProgramjava的参数。

How about this way?这条路怎么样?
You can get a java home dir.您可以获得 java 主目录。

String path = System.getProperty("java.home");


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