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C++ 中的指针和动态分配 Arrays 错误

[英]Pointers and Dynamically Allocating Arrays error in C++

I am getting an introduction to pointers and I don't understand the following code.我正在了解指针的介绍,但我不理解以下代码。

int main(){
        int *p;
        p=new int[5];
        cout << p <<endl;  // line 4
        cout <<p <<endl;  // line 7
        cout << p[0] <<endl;

line 4 and line 7 prints the memory location as 0xd91730 and 0xd91734 respectively and I understand that.第 4 行和第 7 行将 memory 位置分别打印为 0xd91730 和 0xd91734,我明白这一点。 However, why is the last line `( p[0] ) printing 7 on the screen.但是,为什么最后一行 `( p[0] ) 在屏幕上打印 7 。 Isn't p[0] = 3 instead, as assigned in line 5. I am not understanding this concept.不是 p[0] = 3 而是在第 5 行中指定的。我不理解这个概念。 Can anyone please help?有人可以帮忙吗? Thank you.谢谢你。

It actually does:它实际上是:

p = new int[5] which is fine. p = new int[5]这很好。 You allocated 5 integers worth of memory.你分配了 5 个整数值 memory。 At p[0] you have stored the value 3 ( *p = 3 )..p[0]你已经存储了值 3 ( *p = 3 )..

You then offset the pointer p by 1 ( p = p + 1 ).. and now you wrote *p = 7 .. Of course printing P[0] is going to print 7 because you've offset p from its original position when you did p = p + 1 (P no longer points to the same memory address you had when you did new int[5] ).然后您将指针p偏移 1 ( p = p + 1 ).. 现在您写*p = 7 .. 当然打印P[0]将打印 7 因为您已将 p 从其原始 position 偏移您执行了p = p + 1 (P 不再指向您执行new int[5]时拥有的相同 memory 地址)。

You never decreased the pointer back to point to 3.您从未将指针减小回指向 3。

If you did delete[] p after increasing it, it'd be undefined behaviour and possibly crash on you because you are deleting memory location since you increased P.如果你在增加它之后delete[] p ,它会是未定义的行为,并且可能会崩溃,因为你正在删除 memory 位置,因为你增加了 P。

If you wanted it to print 3, you'd have to do P = P - 1 after writing 7 to P[1].如果您希望它打印 3,则必须在将 7 写入 P[1] 之后执行P = P - 1

When dealing with pointers the square bracket notation is just way of dereferencing a pointer.在处理指针时,方括号表示法只是取消引用指针的方式。

p[x]   is syntactically equivalent to   *(p + x)

So you are de-referencing the memory location x points ahead of the pointer.因此,您正在取消引用 memory 位置 x 指向指针前面的位置。

In your code.在你的代码中。 After you have allocated memory you move the pointer:分配 memory 后,移动指针:

    p = p+1;   // This moves p to point at the next location in memory.

Now your memory looks like this:现在您的 memory 看起来像这样:

Memory      0xd91730        [0, 0, 0 ,3]   => 4 bytes 
p --------->0xd91734        [0, 0, 0, 7]   => 4 bytes (yes I am making an assumption 
            0xd91738        [?, ?, ?, ?]               about layout for demonstrating
            0xd9173c        [?, ?, ?, ?]               purposes) 

De-referencing p will give you the content at 0xs91734 .取消引用 p 将为您提供0xs91734处的内容。

Try adding the following line:尝试添加以下行:

            std::cout << p[-1] << "\n"; // Should return the 3 you were looking for

Just for fun try:只是为了好玩尝试:

            std::cout << 0[p] << "\n";  // Blows your mind but works.

            // Pointer + integer is a pointer.
            // integer + Pointer is also a pointer.
            // So 0[p] => *(0 + p) => *(p + 0) => p[0]

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