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[英]Telegram bot pin a message automatically

send_text = 'https://api.telegram.org/bot' + bot_token + '/sendMessage? chat_id=' + group_name + '&parse_mode=Markdown&text=' + text_to_send_in_the_group

response = requests.get(send_text)

This code works well and I am able to forward a message into my chat.此代码运行良好,我可以将消息转发到我的聊天中。 But how can I pin this latter message?但是我怎样才能固定后一条消息呢? I would like to pin it to make it even more visible.我想固定它以使其更加明显。

Best regards此致

When you send a message on success a message object is returned, save the message_id and the chat.id and use those values to pin the message with pinChatMessage当您发送成功message object,保存message_idchat.id并使用这些值通过pinChatMessage固定消息

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