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话语无法发送 email

[英]discourse can't send email

i installed a discourse on AWS bitnami edu3d.co .我在 AWS bitnami edu3d.co上安装了一个话语。 I did the following things but still can't send the login verification email.我做了以下事情,但仍然无法发送登录验证 email。

Thank you!谢谢!

The problem is solved.问题已经解决了。 I guess problem is that I set the username and password wrongly.我想问题是我错误地设置了用户名和密码。

smtp_address = ''
smtp_port = 587
smtp_domain = 'edu3d.co'
smtp_user_name = ''
smtp_password = ''
smtp_enable_start_tls = true
smtp_authentication = login

If you have problem in setting smtp for the discourse installed on AWS EC2 bitnami.如果您在为安装在 AWS EC2 bitnami 上的话语设置 smtp 时遇到问题。 You can do the following checks.您可以进行以下检查。

  • 1) check whether your VM instance can connect the smtp server (test if smtp_address and smtp_port are correct) 1)检查你的VM实例是否可以连接smtp服务器(测试smtp_address和smtp_port是否正确)

I found 25 is not responding and 465 sometimes broke too, 587 works well.我发现 25 没有响应,465 有时也坏了,587 运行良好。

How I find the problem我如何找到问题

I really can't figure out why the smtp setting is 'correct' but i just can't receive the email.我真的不明白为什么 smtp 设置是“正确的”,但我就是无法收到 email。 So I changed to gmail, the setting is a bit easier than AWS SES.于是我改成了gmail,设置比AWS SES简单一点。 After change, I received the email immediately but it says the login method is not secure so Google blocked it.更改后,我立即收到了 email,但它说登录方法不安全,所以谷歌阻止了它。 This proves the smtp setting is working.这证明 smtp 设置有效。 And according to previous test, my VM instance can connect to the smtp server.根据之前的测试,我的VM实例可以连接到smtp服务器。 So there should have something wrong in the smtp setting.所以 smtp 设置应该有问题。

I go to AWS SES, intending to check the my credential.我 go 到 AWS SES,打算检查我的凭证。 But I can only create a new one.但我只能创建一个新的。 So I did, then I found I misunderstood the username and password.所以我做了,然后我发现我误解了用户名和密码。 After change, the email is working.更改后,email 工作正常。 Great!伟大的!

The following instruction is very helpful!以下说明非常有帮助! https://docs.bitnami.com/bch/apps/discourse/configuration/configure-smtp/ https://docs.bitnami.com/bch/apps/discourse/configuration/configure-smtp/

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