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discord.py:按用户对 JSON 文件中的消息 ID 进行排序

[英]discord.py : Sort message ID in a JSON file by user

I'm currently in the process of making a kind of ticket system.我目前正在制作一种票务系统。 I want to do that through a reaction.我想通过反应来做到这一点。

When a user clicks on the reaction, a message is sent to a specific channel.当用户点击反应时,会向特定频道发送一条消息。 This message ID is saved in a JSON file and should be assigned to the user who clicked on the reaction.此消息 ID 保存在 JSON 文件中,应分配给单击反应的用户。 But if I save the user and the message individually in the JSON file, I don't know which user the message belongs to.但是如果我将用户和消息分别保存在 JSON 文件中,我不知道该消息属于哪个用户。 How can I assign the message ID to a user?如何将消息 ID 分配给用户?

My Code:我的代码:

async def on_raw_reaction_add(reaction):
    ticketmess = 716263100638035969
    ticketlog = client.get_channel(716265124771397662)
    user = client.get_user(reaction.user_id)

    if reaction.message_id == ticketmess and reaction.emoji.id == 680827797165572117:
        with open(r'./tickets.json', 'r')as f:
            ticketchannels = json.load(f)
        if not f"{reaction.user_id}" in ticketchannels:

            ticketmess = await ticketlog.send('Ein User braucht Hilfe!')

            with open(r'./tickets.json', 'r')as f:
                ticketmessages = json.load(f)

                ticketmessages[f"{reaction.user_id}"] = f'{user} in {ticketmess.id}'

                with open(r'./tickets.json', 'w') as f:
                    json.dump(ticketmessages, f, indent=4)

The code would look something like:代码看起来像:

async def on_raw_reaction_add(reaction):
    ticketmsg = 716263100638035969
    ticketlog = client.get_channel(716265124771397662)
    user = client.get_user(reaction.user_id)

    if reaction.message_id == ticketmsg and reaction.emoji.id == 680827797165572117:

        # you already have loaded it in once, you don't need to read it again
        with open("tickets.json", "r") as fp:
            data = json.load(fp) 

        if f"{reaction.user_id}" not in data.keys():
            ticketmsg = await ticketlog.send("Ein User braucht Hilfe!")

            # you can just assign the message id to the user, no need for a string
            data[f"{reaction.user_id}"] = ticketmsg.id

            with open("tickets.json", "w+") as fp:
                json.dump(data, fp, sort_keys=True, indent=4) # kwargs are for beautification

You don't need the f"{user} in {ticketmsg.id}" because you can get the user from the key.您不需要f"{user} in {ticketmsg.id}" ,因为您可以从密钥中获取用户。 Besides, usernames can change, so putting it in the file would prove to be not very useful.此外,用户名可以更改,因此将其放入文件中将证明不是很有用。
If you wish to get the user's name, just load in the keys from the json and use client.get_user(ID_HERE) .如果您想获取用户名,只需从 json 加载密钥并使用client.get_user(ID_HERE)

If you want to search for a user based off of a specific message ID, you can iterate through a dictionary like so:如果要根据特定消息 ID 搜索用户,可以像这样遍历字典:

my_dict = {"key": "value", "foo": "bar"}

for k, v in my_dict.items():
    if v == "bar":
        print(k) # selecting the key based off of its value

# output:
# foo

I'm hoping I understood your question correctly, if not, I'll be happy to edit my answer after some clarification.我希望我正确理解了您的问题,如果没有,我很乐意在澄清后编辑我的答案。

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