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Angular 8:如何将值从 *ngfor 发送到 TS 文件

[英]Angular 8 : How to send the value from *ngfor to TS file

I have a code我有一个代码

<div *ngFor="let a of ABC">

Now I want to send the value of a to my TS file.现在我想将 a 的值发送到我的 TS 文件。 I want to meet some expectation say 'a.error == true' then call some function and assign the value of a to some variable in ts file.我想满足一些期望说'a.error == true'然后调用一些function并将a的值分配给ts文件中的某个变量。

I hope it is clear.我希望很清楚。 please ask if require more clarification请询问是否需要更多说明

To communicate with the ts file as you say you just call a function which you declare如您所说,要与 ts 文件进行通信,您只需调用您声明的 function

// In your ts.file

someFunction(a: any) {
  // some amazing stuff
  return 'Hello World';

and in your template并在您的模板中

<div *ngFor="let a of ABC">
  {{ someFunction(a) }}

You should probably loop the variable ABC in the TS file before exposing it to the html template.在将变量 ABC 暴露给 html 模板之前,您可能应该在 TS 文件中循环变量ABC Be aware of the fact that.请注意这一事实。 if you call a function in the html, it will be evaluated many many times.如果你在html中调用一个function,它会被多次评估。

eg , the following will execute the someFunction many more times than you probably need.例如,以下将执行someFunction比您可能需要的次数更多。

<div *ngFor="let a of ABC">

I suggest creating the values you need to read in the html as a different var.我建议创建您需要在 html 中读取的值作为不同的 var。 for example.例如。

ERR: string[];
ngOnInit() {
  this.ERR = ABC.map(a => someFunction(a));

Then in the template just bind to the error array然后在模板中绑定到错误数组

<div *ngFor="let a of ERR">

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