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为什么 javascript 导入需要这么长时间?

[英]Why does javascript import take so long?

I am importing a JSON file from my website's own directory on the front-end.我正在从我网站自己的前端目录中导入 JSON 文件。 After a user clicks a button, this code is executed in the browser:用户单击按钮后,此代码将在浏览器中执行:

const file = await import('./path-to-file')

The file is exceptionally small - only 4KB.该文件非常小 - 只有 4KB。 Yet using console.time() is showing that it takes about 300ms to execute this command.然而,使用console.time()表明执行此命令大约需要 300 毫秒。 I have checked my own web speed which comes out at 74Mb/s.我检查了我自己的 web 速度,速度为 74Mb/s。 I am using Netlify to deploy the website and Bitcatcha is saying the server is 'exceptionally fast' with a response time of 133ms.我正在使用 Netlify 部署网站,Bitcatcha 说服务器“非常快”,响应时间为 133 毫秒。 I'm not sure exactly how the response time fits into all this - but all in all, 300ms seems absurdly long to be transferring just 4KB of data.我不确定响应时间到底是如何适应这一切的——但总而言之,仅传输 4KB 的数据,300 毫秒似乎太长了。

Why does it take so long, and what can be done to make it faster?为什么需要这么长时间,可以做些什么来加快速度?

Try doing:尝试做:

const file = await require("./path-to-file"); //instead of import();

I believe that it takes so long because of the use of await , so if the above does not work, try removing the await , because what await does is it stops async function execution until the require();我相信由于使用了await需要很长时间,所以如果上述方法不起作用,请尝试删除await ,因为await所做的是它停止异步 function 执行直到require(); has resolved.已解决。 If the code continues running as you get the content of the file, the overall time should shrink.如果代码在您获取文件内容时继续运行,则总时间应该会缩短。 If none of the above works, try this:如果以上都不起作用,试试这个:

const fs = require("fs");
    d = JSON.parse(d);
    //Then you do whatever you wanted to do with the file here

Is this js from the browser or server side?这是来自浏览器还是服务器端的js?

I'm assuming browser from context, the reason it's so slow is because it like it states, waits for the file to load.我从上下文中假设浏览器,它这么慢的原因是因为它喜欢它的状态,等待文件加载。 The accepted answer does make it faster, but the issue then is that the json file isn't guaranteed to be processed after that line of code.接受的答案确实使它更快,但问题是 json 文件不能保证在该行代码之后被处理。

Async code is a big thing in js and other languages so I recommend looking further into this but here's some examples:异步代码在 js 和其他语言中是一件大事,所以我建议进一步研究,但这里有一些例子:

Let's say this is the json file1假设这是 json 文件1

  count: 2

Here's the js file这是js文件

const data = import("path-to-json");
//it immediately goes to the next code 
// => undefined or error, since it hasn't finished resolving it

if you wish to access it you would either have to use .then or await如果您想访问它,则必须使用.thenawait

let data;

import("path-to-json").then(d => {
  data = d;
  //now you can use data
  // => 2

//it has still moved on to the next code
//so you still can't use data here
// => undefined or error

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