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React/Redux 关于调度操作以将项目添加到数组的问题

[英]React/Redux question about dispatching an action to add an item to an array

I am building a flashcard app and I would like to store the id of seen cards in an array so my GET_RANDOM_CARD action does not select the same card twice.我正在构建一个抽认卡应用程序,我想将看到的卡片的 ID 存储在一个数组中,所以我的 GET_RANDOM_CARD 操作不会 select 同一张卡片两次。

Inside my componentDidMount method, I dispatch the addSeenCard action like so:在我的 componentDidMount 方法中,我发送 addSeenCard 操作,如下所示:


Here is my portable action creator function for addSeenCard:这是我用于 addSeenCard 的便携式动作创建器 function:

export function addSeenCard(randomCard) {

 return {
    type: 'ADD_SEEN_CARD',
    randomCard: randomCard

Here is my reducer function:这是我的减速机 function:

 case 'ADD_SEEN_CARD':
  return {
     seenCard: [state.seenCard, action.randomCard.id]

However, the Redux tool instead of showing an array with an id value shows an array with a nested empty array and a value of null.但是,Redux 工具没有显示具有 id 值的数组,而是显示了一个具有嵌套空数组且值为 null 的数组。 I am learning Redux and I am blocked as to where I am going wrong in my code.我正在学习 Redux 并且我被阻止我的代码哪里出错了。

Redux state Raw Redux state 未加工

You need to deconstruct state.seenCard , like you did with ...state :您需要解构state.seenCard ,就像您对...state所做的那样:

 case 'ADD_SEEN_CARD':
  return {
     seenCard: [...state.seenCard, action.randomCard.id]

From the above code of reducer, it came to know that "seenCard" will be an array of ids and you have assigned array as the first element of seenCard going forward.从上面的 reducer 代码中,可以知道“seenCard”将是一个 id 数组,并且您已将数组指定为 seeCard 的第一个元素。

So use a Spread operator to destructure the array of elements.因此,请使用 Spread 运算符来解构元素数组。

  return {
    seenCard: [

Note the 3 dots added on the 5th line of code.请注意在第 5 行代码中添加的 3 个点。

Also, make sure id is always passed to action creator.此外,确保 id 始终传递给操作创建者。

I hope this is helpful!我希望这是有帮助的!

You can use concat state seenCard array and new value Here is your updated reducer function:您可以使用 concat state seenCard 数组和新值这是您更新的减速器 function:

 case 'ADD_SEEN_CARD':
 return {
 seenCard: state.seenCard.concat(action.randomCard.id)

Thats what I was missing in my reducer, the spread operator.这就是我在减速器(扩展运算符)中所缺少的。 Thank you very much, all your answers work.非常感谢,您的所有答案都有效。 Because I am storing the random card in the state I have decided to dispatch the ADD_SEEN_CARD function with an empty payload and do this instead:因为我将随机卡存储在 state 中,所以我决定使用空有效负载发送 ADD_SEEN_CARD function 并执行以下操作:

  case 'ADD_SEEN_CARD':
  return {
    seenCard: state.seenCard.concat(state.randomCard[0].id)
    //  seenCard: [...state.seenCard, state.randomCard[0].id]

Thank you again for all your answers.再次感谢您的所有回答。

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