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[英]Sampling random values (coordinates) within error range

In R is there a way to randomly generate values within a set extent from a given point.在 R 中有一种方法可以在给定点的设定范围内随机生成值。 For example if I have coordinates and wish to generate 10 samples within an surrounding error field, can this be done?例如,如果我有坐标并希望在周围的错误字段中生成 10 个样本,可以这样做吗? And if so, can the characteristics of the error field be defined, ie a square or circle surrounding the original point.如果是这样,是否可以定义误差场的特征,即围绕原点的正方形或圆形。 Any insight much appreciated.任何见解都非常感谢。

Example:(WGS84 ESPG:4326)示例:(WGS84 ESPG:4326)

Longitude       Latitude        ErrLong ErrLat
-91.98876953    1.671900034     0.53    1.08 
-91.91790771    1.955003262     0.53    1.08 
-91.91873169    1.961261749     0.53    1.08 
-91.86060333    1.996331811     0.53    1.08 
-91.67115021    1.929548025     0.12    0.12 
-90.67552948    1.850875616     0.12    0.12 
-90.65361023    1.799352288     0.12    0.12 
-92.13287354    0.755102754     0.12    0.12 
-92.13739014    0.783674061     0.12    0.12 
-88.16407776    -4.953748703    0.12    0.12 
-82.51725006    -5.717019081    0.12    0.12 
-82.50763702    -5.706347942    0.12    0.12 
-82.50556183    -5.696153641    0.12    0.12 
-82.50305176    -5.685819626    0.12    0.12 
-82.18003845    -5.623015404    0.53    1.08 
-82.17269897    -5.61870575     0.53    1.08 
-82.16355133    -5.612465382    0.12    0.12

For each long/lat I would like 10 randomly generated points within the stated error long/lat (in degrees) from the original location.对于每个 long/lat,我希望在原始位置的指定误差 long/lat(以度为单位)内随机生成 10 个点。 The random samples should follow a normal distribution and the error field is circular (when lat/long error is equal) and elliptical if not.随机样本应服从正态分布,误差场是圆形的(当纬度/经度误差相等时),如果不是,则为椭圆形。

You could draw from a truncated normal using msm::rtnorm .您可以使用msm::rtnorm从截断的法线中绘制。

First, to make things easier, I'd convert the data into long format.首先,为了让事情变得更容易,我会将数据转换为长格式。

dat <- cbind(id=1:nrow(dat), dat)  ## add ID column
names(dat)[-1] <- c("value.lon", "value.lat", "err.lon", "err.lat")  ## better names
## reshape to long
dat.l <- reshape(dat, varying=2:5, direction="long")

dat.l[c(1:2, 15:20), ]
#         id time     value  err
# 1.lon   1  lon -91.988770 0.53
# 2.lon   2  lon -91.917908 0.53
# 15.lon 15  lon -82.180038 0.53
# 16.lon 16  lon -82.172699 0.53
# 1.lat   1  lat   1.671900 1.08
# 2.lat   2  lat   1.955003 1.08
# 3.lat   3  lat   1.961262 1.08
# 4.lat   4  lat   1.996332 1.08

Now we use msm::rtnorm taking value as the mean and err as the absolute value of a confidence interval as well as the truncation points.现在我们使用msm::rtnormvalue作为mean ,将err作为置信区间的绝对值以及截断点。 To get the list nicely separated into lon and lat we use by .为了将列表很好地分成lonlat ,我们使用by

R. <- 1e3
res <- by(dat.l, dat.l$time, function(s) 
  sapply(1:nrow(s), function(m, R=R.) {
    x <- as.double(unlist(s[m, -(1:2)]))
    o <- msm::rtnorm(R, x[1], abs((x[1] - x[2]))/1.96, x[1] - x[2], x[1] + x[2])


The result looks like this (using R. <- 9 ) for sake of brevity:为简洁起见,结果如下所示(使用R. <- 9 ):

# dat.l$time: lat
#          [,1]     [,2]      [,3]     [,4]     [,5]     [,6]     [,7]      [,8]      [,9]
# [1,] 2.059389 2.854458 1.6480049 1.578799 1.857519 1.933703 1.693664 0.6670599 0.7215978
# [2,] 1.817794 2.435360 0.9810172 1.433516 1.820929 1.844537 1.722964 0.7541789 0.7772778
# [3,] 1.363776 1.499776 2.3656603 2.753531 1.951757 1.911148 1.755089 0.6590040 0.8097877
# [4,] 1.298948 2.903252 1.3621228 2.685882 1.902042 1.850533 1.824228 0.6813604 0.7081114
# [5,] 1.976920 2.017745 2.1074160 2.823800 1.950198 1.785133 1.762703 0.7199149 0.8322832
# [6,] 1.664815 1.664443 1.6482465 1.441457 1.899035 1.807138 1.810606 0.7456769 0.8074188
# [7,] 1.736728 1.494439 2.2212244 1.744971 1.987707 1.835817 1.878827 0.7938251 0.8730894
# [8,] 1.518350 1.541916 1.9629348 1.386725 1.985631 1.833966 1.809587 0.7365271 0.7162421
# [9,] 1.761203 1.667451 1.7359951 2.712280 1.849972 1.965899 1.818468 0.8044030 0.7862688
#          [,10]     [,11]     [,12]     [,13]     [,14]     [,15]     [,16]
# [1,] -4.909253 -5.611472 -5.673014 -5.688496 -5.668813 -5.117575 -6.365792
# [2,] -5.024007 -5.691572 -5.601893 -5.752438 -5.771032 -5.795218 -5.392146
# [3,] -4.959013 -5.636268 -5.791113 -5.639635 -5.670745 -5.902636 -4.946774
# [4,] -5.031824 -5.609281 -5.650881 -5.730072 -5.680132 -4.940293 -5.801787
# [5,] -4.984777 -5.774233 -5.807611 -5.711324 -5.801857 -4.618648 -5.821920
# [6,] -4.967051 -5.760783 -5.692485 -5.770230 -5.744132 -6.684446 -6.646540
# [7,] -4.929440 -5.648386 -5.798339 -5.728268 -5.669888 -5.140643 -6.525713
# [8,] -5.031480 -5.609127 -5.646710 -5.579407 -5.787876 -4.587991 -4.771850
# [9,] -5.071611 -5.763129 -5.621419 -5.606133 -5.592998 -6.402314 -4.752597
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
#   dat.l$time: lon
#           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]      [,6]      [,7]      [,8]
# [1,] -92.12306 -92.27813 -91.89380 -91.96530 -91.70359 -90.59310 -90.60037 -92.12645
# [2,] -92.08298 -91.73772 -91.74796 -92.32808 -91.57151 -90.55784 -90.69050 -92.11317
# [3,] -91.94673 -91.83403 -91.66878 -91.60644 -91.66306 -90.75866 -90.66495 -92.11768
# [4,] -92.33240 -91.57389 -92.15855 -92.03448 -91.75625 -90.63687 -90.58756 -92.11370
# [5,] -92.17743 -91.58370 -91.82970 -91.44922 -91.72398 -90.75778 -90.62202 -92.15861
# [6,] -92.39499 -91.41112 -92.36735 -92.12330 -91.78401 -90.68612 -90.56967 -92.05469
# [7,] -92.40120 -92.02109 -91.57844 -92.07230 -91.75370 -90.72048 -90.64158 -92.24910
# [8,] -92.08168 -92.10115 -91.98592 -91.33367 -91.58579 -90.60831 -90.65058 -92.17405
# [9,] -91.90599 -91.41466 -91.49233 -91.62150 -91.61410 -90.60368 -90.75319 -92.01950
#           [,9]     [,10]     [,11]     [,12]     [,13]     [,14]     [,15]     [,16]
# [1,] -92.16208 -88.17055 -82.51806 -82.50556 -82.54585 -82.49562 -81.76493 -81.84638
# [2,] -92.25042 -88.27982 -82.50876 -82.61386 -82.49595 -82.40652 -82.31069 -82.34158
# [3,] -92.20928 -88.08214 -82.55565 -82.43839 -82.48540 -82.55503 -82.38119 -81.84021
# [4,] -92.16342 -88.08550 -82.60778 -82.40032 -82.61227 -82.55625 -82.70171 -82.46027
# [5,] -92.02135 -88.09106 -82.44550 -82.51054 -82.54662 -82.40365 -81.91754 -81.83588
# [6,] -92.02523 -88.22512 -82.58183 -82.43660 -82.51187 -82.47769 -82.56931 -81.86314
# [7,] -92.18523 -88.27581 -82.51715 -82.45542 -82.40686 -82.59609 -81.75961 -82.62096
# [8,] -92.09482 -88.23731 -82.43151 -82.51785 -82.45835 -82.54335 -82.45329 -81.75484
# [9,] -92.07861 -88.18889 -82.60739 -82.46636 -82.48639 -82.41555 -82.11490 -82.59231


Comparison with specified error ranges:与指定误差范围的比较:

lapply(res, function(x) cbind(mean=colMeans(x), err=apply(x, 2, function(x) 
  max(abs(range(x - mean(x))))
# $lat
#             mean       err
#  [1,]  1.6641013 1.0633450
#  [2,]  1.9512697 1.0791531
#  [3,]  1.9664345 1.0766429
#  [4,]  1.9827845 1.0752871
#  [5,]  1.9284320 0.1210392
#  [6,]  1.8525683 0.1213176
#  [7,]  1.8010929 0.1214542
#  [8,]  0.7511818 0.1237103
#  [9,]  0.7871224 0.1228840
# [10,] -4.9542575 0.1203926
# [11,] -5.7174928 0.1200936
# [12,] -5.7064194 0.1198188
# [13,] -5.6925109 0.1234913
# [14,] -5.6876203 0.1217520
# [15,] -5.6436551 1.1001096
# [16,] -5.5955709 1.1015958
# $lon
#            mean       err
#  [1,] -91.99891 0.5390560
#  [2,] -91.91370 0.5327020
#  [3,] -91.92065 0.5312584
#  [4,] -91.84195 0.5476753
#  [5,] -91.67497 0.1229412
#  [6,] -90.67413 0.1212662
#  [7,] -90.64743 0.1261391
#  [8,] -92.13235 0.1204769
#  [9,] -92.13511 0.1214228
# [10,] -88.16036 0.1235441
# [11,] -82.51747 0.1198272
# [12,] -82.50483 0.1225459
# [13,] -82.50418 0.1212391
# [14,] -82.50338 0.1202114
# [15,] -82.16850 0.5410282
# [16,] -82.16828 0.5330564

Looks not too bad.看起来还不错。

And the distributions look like so (using R. <- 1e3 ):并且分布看起来像这样(使用R. <- 1e3 ):






dat <- read.table(header=TRUE, text='Longitude       Latitude        ErrLong ErrLat
-91.98876953    1.671900034     0.53    1.08 
-91.91790771    1.955003262     0.53    1.08 
-91.91873169    1.961261749     0.53    1.08 
-91.86060333    1.996331811     0.53    1.08 
-91.67115021    1.929548025     0.12    0.12 
-90.67552948    1.850875616     0.12    0.12 
-90.65361023    1.799352288     0.12    0.12 
-92.13287354    0.755102754     0.12    0.12 
-92.13739014    0.783674061     0.12    0.12 
-88.16407776    -4.953748703    0.12    0.12 
-82.51725006    -5.717019081    0.12    0.12 
-82.50763702    -5.706347942    0.12    0.12 
-82.50556183    -5.696153641    0.12    0.12 
-82.50305176    -5.685819626    0.12    0.12 
-82.18003845    -5.623015404    0.53    1.08 
-82.17269897    -5.61870575     0.53    1.08')

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