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使用 Java 建立 Windows 中的文件索引 10

[英]Use Java to build an index of files in Windows 10

I am writing a desktop application in Java to quickly find files.我正在 Java 中编写一个桌面应用程序来快速查找文件。 I have used the exec command in Java to run powershell to do this, as Java's os.walk method seems to be much slower.我已经使用 Java 中的 exec 命令来运行 powershell 来执行此操作,因为 Java 的 os.walk 方法似乎要慢得多。 Right now it takes about 5 minutes to generate a text file that lists the contents of all files on my computer (a total of around 440,000 files).现在生成一个文本文件大约需要 5 分钟,其中列出了我计算机上所有文件的内容(总共大约 440,000 个文件)。

This is fine, but the problem I have is that I have no way of updating this list of files.这很好,但我遇到的问题是我无法更新这个文件列表。 So if I change a few files in my file system and want to update my file list, I can't do so quickly (ie incrementally).因此,如果我在我的文件系统中更改了一些文件并想要更新我的文件列表,我就不能这么快(即增量)。 Instead, I have to generate the file list all over from scratch.相反,我必须从头开始生成文件列表。

I know you can use git-bash to create a locate database (using updatedb).我知道你可以使用 git-bash 创建一个定位数据库(使用 updatedb)。 Now this is an awesome solution, but the application I'm trying to create may be used by people who don't have that installed.现在这是一个很棒的解决方案,但是我正在尝试创建的应用程序可能会被没有安装它的人使用。 So I'd like to do it using default apps provided with Windows (ie powershell, or natively in Java).因此,我想使用 Windows 提供的默认应用程序(即 powershell,或 Java 原生)。 I am trying to make this app easy to use, so I don't want the user to have to install a bunch of other dependencies.我试图让这个应用程序易于使用,所以我不希望用户必须安装一堆其他依赖项。

The following code shows how to use Java and avoid Powershell altogether.以下代码显示了如何使用 Java 并完全避免 Powershell。 It builds an array in memory and writes it to a text file (467,000 files listed) all in under 30 seconds!它在 memory 中构建了一个数组,并在 30 秒内将其写入文本文件(列出了 467,000 个文件)!

Run the following code in Main or wherever you want.在 Main 或任何您想要的地方运行以下代码。 It calls the createFileList method.它调用 createFileList 方法。

List<Path> pathsArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
Path rootPath_obj;
rootPath_obj = Paths.get(this.configMap.get("root_path"));

Here's the tree stream traversal code:下面是树 stream 遍历代码:

public void createFileList(Path path_in) throws IOException, AccessDeniedException {

    try (DirectoryStream<Path> mystream = Files.newDirectoryStream(path_in)) {

        for (Path entry : mystream) {
            if (Files.isDirectory(entry)) {
    catch (AccessDeniedException ex) {
        // Do nothing, just move on to the next file

Now write the file to save for later.现在写文件以备后用。 This is the listing of all files within the root path tree.这是根路径树中所有文件的列表。

    System.out.println("Writing database...");
    try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(this.configMap.get("db_path"))) {
        for(Path pth: pathsArrayList){
            writer.write(pth.toString() + System.lineSeparator());
    System.out.println("...database written.");

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