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GraphQL dotnet core 查询 class 依赖注入

[英]GraphQL dotnet core Query class dependency injection

Update: Previous null error was because an empty constructor of Query class with no parameters is created.更新:以前的 null 错误是因为创建了没有参数的Query class 的空构造函数。 Now I removed that empty constructor, but get a new Error: System.MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for type 'App.Controllers.Graphs.Query'现在我删除了那个空的构造函数,但是得到了一个新的错误: System.MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for type 'App.Controllers.Graphs.Query'

How can you inject your service into the GraphQL Query class?如何将服务注入 GraphQL 查询 class? (Schema-first approach) (模式优先方法)

In my dotnet core 3.1 project, I have installed: GraphQL.Server.Transports.AspNetCore 3.5.0-alpha0046在我的 dotnet core 3.1 项目中,我安装了: GraphQL.Server.Transports.AspNetCore 3.5.0-alpha0046

Here is my root graph:这是我的根图:

  public class RootGraph : Schema
    public RootGraph(IServiceProvider provider) : base(provider)
      var schema = For(@"
        type Player {
          _id: ID!
          dbname: String!
          isPremium: Boolean!
          games: [String]!

        input PlayerView {
          dbname: String!
          isPremium: Boolean!

        type Query {
          player(dbname: String!): Player
      ", _ =>

      Console.WriteLine(provider); // <-- provider is not null here, everything is good

      Query = schema.Query;

Then I create my Query class like this:然后我像这样创建我的查询 class :

  public class Query
    private readonly ServiceProvider serviceProvider;
    private readonly IPlayerService playerService; 

    public Query( IServiceProvider serviceProvider )
      this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider as ServiceProvider;
      this.playerService = serviceProvider.GetService<IPlayerService>();

    public async Task<Player> GetPlayer(string dbname)
      Player player = await playerService.Get(dbname);
      return player;

But it's not working.但它不起作用。 The Query class cannot be created, because I get an exception here:无法创建查询 class,因为我在这里遇到异常:

System.MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for type 'App.Controllers.Graphs.Query'.\r\n
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtorSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean wrapExceptions, Boolean fillCache)\r\n
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtor(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache, Boolean wrapExceptions)\r\n
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic, Boolean wrapExceptions)\r\n 
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type)\r\n  
at GraphQL.DefaultServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType)\r\n

Part of my Startup.cs :我的Startup.cs的一部分:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services){


  // add services
  services.AddSingleton<IPlayerService, PlayerService>();

  // add GraphQL

Anyone has an idea on how to provide services to Query class?任何人都知道如何为查询 class 提供服务?

You have towrite this code in the startup class.您必须在启动 class 中编写此代码。

services.AddScoped<IServiceProvider , ServiceProvider >();

and declare the interface type in the class and pass to constructor.并在 class 中声明接口类型并传递给构造函数。

private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider ;

You can use AddSingleton , AddTransient or AddScoped as per the requirement您可以根据要求使用AddSingletonAddTransientAddScoped

So according to this thread , all I need to do is specify the service provider in the schema configuration, like this:所以根据这个线程,我需要做的就是在模式配置中指定服务提供者,如下所示:

    public RootGraph(IServiceProvider provider) : base(provider)
      var schema = For(@"...", _ =>
        _.ServiceProvider = provider; // <=== Add this line here


      // ...


You should be able to inject it directly without having to use the IServiceProvider.您应该能够直接注入它而无需使用 IServiceProvider。 Something like this:像这样的东西:

public class Query
    private readonly IPlayerService playerService; 

    public Query(IPlayerService playerService)
      this.playerService = playerService;

    public async Task<Player> GetPlayer(string dbname)
      Player player = await playerService.Get(dbname);
      return player;

And then in your SchemaFile you have to add the ServiceProvider to your schema.然后在您的 SchemaFile 中,您必须将 ServiceProvider 添加到您的架构中。

  public class RootGraph : Schema
    public RootGraph(IServiceProvider provider) 
        : base(provider)
      var schema = For(@"
      ", _ =>
        _.ServiceProvider = provider;

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