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什么相当于 R 中 Python 中的 str.split(“/path/to/file”, os.sep)

[英]What would be the equivalent to str.split(“/path/to/file”, os.sep) from Python in R

I thought there would be something similar in R to split up a filepath by the operating system separator, but couldn't find anything super useful.我认为 R 中会有类似的东西通过操作系统分隔符分割文件路径,但找不到任何超级有用的东西。

I do not know Python but from your description this is most likely what you are looking for:我不知道 Python 但根据您的描述,这很可能是您正在寻找的:


returns "/" on my comuter as default file separator.在我的通勤机上返回“/”作为默认文件分隔符。 You can further use basename() and dirname() to split a path into it's components.您可以进一步使用basename()dirname()将路径拆分为其组件。

See also this question: Split a file path into folder names vector另请参阅此问题: Split a file path into folder names vector

See strsplitstrsplit

strsplit("/path/to/file", .Platform$file.sep)

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