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如何在 Google 表格脚本编辑器的字符串中使用变量?

[英]How to use a variable in a string in Google Sheets Script Editor?

I'm a newbie to Script Editor, so I need some help.我是脚本编辑器的新手,所以我需要一些帮助。

function makeitright(){
var app1 = SpreadsheetApp;
var ss1 = app1.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var cred = ss1.getSheetByName("Crédito");
var lastrow = cred.getLastRow(); 

var formmod = 'ISBLANK('"H"+(lastrow+1)')'')';

I'm trying to write a formula to a single cell.我正在尝试将公式写入单个单元格。 But this formula will always change with a new added row.但是这个公式总是会随着新添加的行而改变。 So I need the formula to work with the variable that gets the lastrow + 1.所以我需要公式来处理获得 lastrow + 1 的变量。

Any ideas in how this could be made?关于如何做到这一点的任何想法?




 'ISBLANK(H' + ( lastrow + 1 ) + ')';

To learn more read about how string concatenation works in JavaScript.要了解有关字符串连接如何在 JavaScript 中工作的更多信息。

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