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为什么使用 tweepy 时只能得到 1 条推文?

[英]Why only get 1 tweet when using tweepy?

A few days ago, I applied a twitter developer account to be used with tweepy library.前几天申请了一个 twitter 开发者账号,用于 tweepy 库。 I tried to scrape with keyword like Google, get a lot of tweets.我试着用像谷歌这样的关键字来抓取,得到很多推文。 But after I tried to scrape data with specific keyword, I only got 1 tweet, even though tweets related to those keyword were pretty much on Twitter.但是在我尝试使用特定关键字抓取数据后,我只得到了 1 条推文,尽管与这些关键字相关的推文几乎都在 Twitter 上。

tweets = tw.Cursor(api.search,
                   q='simas jiwa',
                   since=datetime.date(2005, 10, 6)).items(100)

The result is like this:结果是这样的:

@SimasJiwa asuransi simas jiwa aman2 saja kan ?

How to solve this problem?如何解决这个问题呢? Why only get 1 tweet?为什么只收到 1 条推文?

There's a option you can add to the Cursor.您可以将一个选项添加到 Cursor。 Max amount without a license is 100 though没有许可证的最大数量是 100


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