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如何在 PyQt5 的 About 部分中修改布局中的字体?

[英]How to modify the font in a layout in the About section in PyQt5?

I don't manage to find a way to modify the font in the About section in PyQt5:我无法在 PyQt5 的 About 部分中找到修改字体的方法:


I would like Version 0.0 not being in bold.我希望版本 0.0 不是粗体。

Here is the code I used:这是我使用的代码:

about_box = QMessageBox()
about_box.about(self.parent(), "About", "Appli\nVersion 0.0")

Apparently, it's just possible to enter a mere string in the About.显然,只可以在 About 中输入一个字符串。

Someone knows how to pull this off?有人知道如何解决这个问题吗?

The about function is a static method: it is a "helper", which automatically constructs a message box, runs its exec() and returns its result. about function 是一个static方法:它是一个“助手”,它自动构造一个消息框,运行它的exec()并返回它的结果。 This means that there's no way to access the message box instance and, therefore, its font.这意味着无法访问消息框实例,因此无法访问其字体。

Note that, since it's a static method, there's no use in creating a new instance of QMessageBox, as you could call about on the class alone:请注意,由于它是 static 方法,因此创建 QMessageBox 的新实例没有用,因为您可以单独调用about

QMessageBox.about(self.parent(), "About", "Appli\nVersion 0.0")

According to the sources , on MacOS Qt automatically uses a bold font for the label of all message boxes.根据消息来源,在 MacOS 上,Qt 自动为所有消息框的 label 使用粗体。

The solution is to avoid the static method, and create a new instance of QMessageBox.解决方法是避免使用 static 方法,并创建一个新的 QMessageBox 实例。 Since the label widget is private, the only way to access it is through findChild() , which on PyQt allows us to use both a class and an object name; Since the label widget is private, the only way to access it is through findChild() , which on PyQt allows us to use both a class and an object name; luckily, Qt sets an object name for the label ( qt_msgbox_label ), so we can access it and set the font accordingly:幸运的是,Qt 为 label ( qt_msgbox_label ) 设置了 object 名称,因此我们可以访问它并相应地设置字体:

    def showAbout(self):
        msgBox = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.NoIcon, 'About', 'Appli\nVersion 0.0', 
            buttons=QMessageBox.Ok, parent=self.parent())
        # find the QLabel
        label = msgBox.findChild(QLabel, 'qt_msgbox_label')
        # get its font and "unbold" it
        font = label.font()
        # set the font back to the label

Try it:试试看:

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets

class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent)
        menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("Menu")
        self.actionAbout = menu.addAction("About")

    def openAbout(self):
        messagebox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(
              <p style='color: white; text-align: center;'> Appli<br>  
                <b style='color: yellow; font: italic bold 16px;'>Version 0.0</b> 

        messagebox.setIconPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap("Qt.png").scaled(100, 100, QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio))
            QMessageBox {
                border: 5px solid blue;           
                border-radius: 5px;
                background-color: rgb(100, 1, 1);


if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
    w = MainWindow()


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