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[英]How can I advance in a copy of a linked list without changing the original

So my question is, how can I advance in a copy of a linked list without changing the original list.所以我的问题是,如何在不更改原始列表的情况下推进链接列表的副本。 I kinda understand why this happens I just don't know a way to make it not happen.我有点明白为什么会发生这种情况,我只是不知道如何让它不发生。

This is what I've done and when I call another function that uses these lists they don't exist.这就是我所做的,当我调用另一个使用这些列表的 function 时,它们不存在。

  typedef struct _edgeList
        int target;
        char* tCity;
        char* country;
        int population;
        float weight;
        struct _edgeList *next;
    } EdgeList;

    typedef struct _collisionList
        int id;
        char *city;
        char* country;
        int population;
        EdgeList *edges;
        struct _collisionList *next;
    } CollList;

    void CityWithMostTargets(CollList** hash)
    CollList** aux = hash;
    int i = 0;
    int edges = 0;
    int major = 0;
    char* city;

    for(i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++)
                edges = CountEdges(hash[i]->edges);

            if(edges > major)
                major = edges;
                city = strdup(hash[i]->city);


            aux[i] = aux[i]->next;
    aux = hash; 

    printf("City: %s\nNumber of edges: %d", city, major);

You can define another variable to hold the value of aux[i] that you want to work with.您可以定义另一个变量来保存要使用的aux[i]的值。

for(i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++)
    CollList* a = aux[i];
    while (a)
        // etc.

and replace the other uses of aux[i] within that loop to use a .并在该循环中替换aux[i]的其他用途以a .

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