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如何在打印 mat-dialog 时隐藏 @media 打印的 Angular 9 背景组件?

[英]How to hide Angular 9 background component for @media print while printing mat-dialog?

Here is my styles.css file, here app-labour-value-estimate-print-layout is a mat-dialog component which is over app-material-details component.这是我的 styles.css 文件,这里app-labour-value-estimate-print-layout是一个垫子对话框组件,它位于app-material-details组件之上。 When I try to print this mat-dialog, things from background pops out and so app-root > * { display: none;} this helped.当我尝试打印这个 mat-dialog 时,后台的东西会弹出,所以app-root > * { display: none;}这有帮助。 However when added this code, any other components are not displayed in print as they as nested in app-root .但是,当添加此代码时,任何其他组件都不会显示在 print 中,因为它们嵌套在app-root中。 How do I print root components as well as mat-dialog component without interference from background?如何在不受背景干扰的情况下打印根组件和 mat-dialog 组件?

@media print {
  /*app-root > * {
    display: none;
  app-footer  {
    display: none;
  app-labour-value-estimate-print-layout {
    display: block;
  app-material-details {
    display: block;

Try this inside media-print在 media-print 里面试试这个

.cdk-overlay-pane {
  width: 100%;
  max-width: none;

mat-dialog-container {
 width: 100vw;
 height: 100%;
 min-height: 100vh;
 padding: 0;
 margin: 0;

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