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如何在 Haml 中包含外部 JavaScript 文件

[英]How to include an external JavaScript file in Haml

I want to add styles and functions dynamically using an external JavaScript and jQuery file, but it is constantly throwing an error.我想添加 styles 并使用外部 JavaScript 和 jQuery 文件动态运行,但它不断抛出错误。

The Ruby code is: Ruby代码为:

# myapp.rb
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/reloader'
require 'haml'

get '/' do
    @contacts = [
            name: "Petit",
            class: "K1"

    haml :index

get '/about-us' do
    haml :about

The Haml code is:哈姆尔代码是:

        = javascript_include_tag "actions"

            This is a page title

            - @contacts.each do |contact|
                    = "#{contact[:name]}'s class is #{contact[:class]}"

        %a{ href: "/about-us"}

This line seems to be the problem:这条线似乎是问题所在:

= javascript_include_tag "actions"

The error is when I run the application in the browser:错误是当我在浏览器中运行应用程序时:

NoMethodError at /
undefined method `javascript_include_tag' for #<Sinatra::Application:"some hex address here">

Without that line of code it runs fine, and the embedded JavaScript works too.没有那行代码它运行良好,嵌入式 JavaScript 也可以工作。 I haven't been able to link an external JavaScript file.我无法链接外部 JavaScript 文件。

When your directory looks like this:当您的目录如下所示时:

| public/
|-| css/
|-|-| styles.css
|-| javascript/
|-|-| jquery-3.5.1.min.js
|-|-| actions.js
| views/
|-| index.haml
|-| about.haml
| my-app.rb

and your Ruby code looks like this:您的 Ruby 代码如下所示:

# myapp.rb
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/reloader'
require 'haml'

get '/' do
    haml :index

get '/about-us' do
    haml :about

Your index.haml is going to be the root page which is going to be displayed when you connect to the server, so your index.haml code should look like this:您的index.haml将成为连接到服务器时将显示的根页面,因此您的index.haml代码应如下所示:

        /Styles :
        %link{:href => "css/styles.css", :type => "text/css"}
        /Scripts :
        %script{:src => "javascript/jquery-3.5.1.min.js", :type => "text/javascript"}
        %script{:src => "javascript/actions.js", :type => "text/javascript"}


                %a{ href: "/about-us"}

Notice the %link and %script tags in the Haml code, and look at the paths given in :src and :href .注意 Haml 代码中的%link%script标签,并查看:src:href中给出的路径。

It is:这是:

:src => "javascript/actions.js"


:href => "css/styles.css" 


:src => "public/javascript/actions.js"


:href => "public/css/styles.css"

even though the script and styles are in the public folder.即使脚本和 styles 在public文件夹中。


:src => "../public/javascript/actions.js" 


:href => "../public/css/styles.css"

even though the script and styles are in ../public/javascript/ or ../public/css/ relative to index.haml.即使脚本和 styles 相对于 index.haml 位于../public/javascript/../public/css/index.haml.

Now that you have a public folder containing the script and styles, you can link to them with the method mentioned above.现在你有了一个包含脚本和 styles 的公用文件夹,你可以用上面提到的方法链接到它们。

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