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EllipseSeries 中的 Maxpointcount - LightningChart JS

[英]Maxpointcount in EllipseSeries - LightningChart JS

I can save memory by setting max point count in scatter chart by following我可以通过以下设置散点图中的最大点数来保存 memory

const pointz = chart.addPointSeries({ pointShape: PointShape.Circle })

But how do I set it same for EllipseSeries ?但是如何为EllipseSeries设置相同的值?

I dont see any such method like setMaxPointCount for EllipseSeries - https://www.arction.com/lightningchart-js-api-documentation/v1.3.0/classes/ellipseseries.html#add我没有看到像setMaxPointCountEllipseSeries这样的方法 - https://www.arction.com/lightningchart-js-api-documentation/v1.3.0/classes/ellipseseries.html#add

The EllipseSeries doesn't support the setMaxPointCount functionality. EllipseSeries不支持setMaxPointCount功能。 The series type is not meant to be used with a lot of data and as such it doesn't have some of the optimizations that exists for PointSeries , LineSeries and other more basic series types.系列类型并不意味着与大量数据一起使用,因此它没有针对PointSeriesLineSeries和其他更基本的系列类型存在的一些优化。

You can manually remove points from the EllipseSeries by calling EllipseFigure.dispose() on each ellipse you want to remove from the EllipseSeries .您可以通过在要从EllipseSeries中删除的每个椭圆上调用EllipseFigure.dispose()手动从EllipseSeries中删除点。 Calling dispose will free up all resources used for rendering the ellipse and remove all references to the ellipse internally.调用dispose将释放用于渲染椭圆的所有资源,并在内部删除对椭圆的所有引用。 If you remove all references to the ellipse in out own code after calling dispose, all of the memory used by the ellipse will be released.如果在调用 dispose 后在 out 自己的代码中删除所有对椭圆的引用,则椭圆使用的所有 memory 将被释放。

let ellipse = ellipseSeries.add({x:0,y:0,radiusX: 10,radiusY:10}) // ellipse is rendered here
ellipse.dispose() // ellipse is no longer rendered but some memory is still used.
ellipse = undefined // last reference to the ellipse was removed, all memory is freed

 // Extract required parts from LightningChartJS. const { lightningChart, SolidFill, SolidLine, ColorRGBA, emptyFill, emptyTick, FontSettings, AutoCursorModes, Animator, AnimationEasings, UIDraggingModes, UIOrigins, ColorPalettes } = lcjs // Custom callback template. const forEachIn = (object, clbk) => { const obj = {}; for (const a in object) obj[a] = clbk(object[a]); return obj } // Define colors to configure chart and bubbles. const colors = { background: ColorRGBA(255, 255, 255), graphBackground: ColorRGBA(220, 255, 255), title: ColorRGBA(0, 100, 0), subTitle: ColorRGBA(0, 100, 0), bubbleBorder: ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0), bubbleFillPalette: ColorPalettes.fullSpectrum(100) } // Define font settings. const fonts = { title: new FontSettings({ size: 40, weight: 400 }) } // Create and subtitle with the same font settings, except font-size. fonts.subTitle = fonts.title.setSize(20) // Create solid fill styles for defined colors. const solidFillStyles = forEachIn(colors, (color) => new SolidFill({ color })) // Create chart with customized settings const chart = lightningChart().ChartXY({}).setBackgroundFillStyle(solidFillStyles.background).setChartBackgroundFillStyle(solidFillStyles.graphBackground).setTitle('Custom Styled Chart').setTitleFont(fonts.title).setTitleFillStyle(solidFillStyles.title).setTitleMarginTop(6).setTitleMarginBottom(0).setPadding({ left: 5, right: 5, top: 30, bottom: 30 }).setAutoCursorMode(AutoCursorModes.disabled).setMouseInteractionRectangleZoom(undefined).setMouseInteractionRectangleFit(undefined).setMouseInteractions(false) // Get axes. const axes = { bottom: chart.getDefaultAxisX(), left: chart.getDefaultAxisY(), top: chart.addAxisX(true), right: chart.addAxisY(true).setChartInteractions(false) } chart.addUIElement(undefined, { x: chart.uiScale.x, y: axes.right.scale }).setPosition({ x: 50, y: 10 }).setOrigin(UIOrigins.CenterBottom).setMargin({ bottom: 10 }).setText('- With Bubbles -').setFont(fonts.subTitle).setTextFillStyle(solidFillStyles.subTitle).setDraggingMode(UIDraggingModes.notDraggable) // Axis mutator. const overrideAxis = (axis) => axis.setTickStyle(emptyTick).setTitleMargin(0).setNibStyle(line => line.setFillStyle(emptyFill)).setMouseInteractions(undefined) // Override default configurations of axes. for (const axisPos in axes) overrideAxis(axes[axisPos]); [axes.bottom, axes.left].forEach(axis => axis.setInterval(-100, 100).setScrollStrategy(undefined)) const bubblePx = { x: axes.bottom.scale.getPixelSize(), y: axes.left.scale.getPixelSize() } // Create instance of ellipse series to draw bubbles. const ellipseSeries = chart.addEllipseSeries() let bubbleCount = 0 // Handler of dragging bubbles. const bubbleDragHandler = (figure, event, button, startLocation, delta) => { const prevDimensions = figure.getDimensions() figure.setDimensions(Object.assign(prevDimensions, { x: prevDimensions.x + delta.x * figure.scale.x.getPixelSize(), y: prevDimensions.y + delta.y * figure.scale.y.getPixelSize() })) } // Create resizeBubble array and sizeArray to store the values separately const resizeBubble = [] const sizeArray = [] // Create a single bubble to visualize in specific coordinates and specified size. const addBubble = (pos, size) => { const radius = size * 10 const borderThickness = 1 + size * 1.0 const color = colors.bubbleFillPalette(Math.round(Math.random() * 99)) const fillStyle = new SolidFill({ color }) const strokeStyle = new SolidLine({ fillStyle: solidFillStyles.bubbleBorder, thickness: borderThickness }) const figure = ellipseSeries.add({ x: pos.x, y: pos.y, radiusX: radius * bubblePx.x, radiusY: radius * bubblePx.y }).setFillStyle(fillStyle).setStrokeStyle(strokeStyle) // Make draggable by mouse. figure.onMouseDrag(bubbleDragHandler) bubbleCount++ return figure } // Create an event to handle the case when user resizes the window, the bubble will be automatically scaled chart.onResize(() => { for (let i = 0; i <= bubbleMaxCount - 1; i++) { const newBubble = resizeBubble[i].getDimensions() resizeBubble[i].setDimensions({ x: newBubble.x, y: newBubble.y, radiusX: axes.bottom.scale.getPixelSize() * sizeArray[i] * 10, radiusY: axes.left.scale.getPixelSize() * sizeArray[i] * 10 }) } }) // Create a single bubble to visualize in random coordinates and with random size. const addRandomBubble = () => { const pos = { x: Math.random() * 200 - 100, y: Math.random() * 200 - 100 } const size = 1 + Math.random() * 7.0 sizeArray.push(size) resizeBubble.push(addBubble(pos, size)) } // Amount of bubbles to render. const bubbleMaxCount = 100 // Animate bubbles creation. Animator(() => undefined)(2.5 * 1000, AnimationEasings.ease)([[0, bubbleMaxCount]], ([nextBubbleCount]) => { while (bubbleCount < nextBubbleCount) addRandomBubble() }) // dispose all ellipses that have been added before the timeout expires. setTimeout(()=>{ for(let i =0; i < resizeBubble.length; i++){ resizeBubble[i].dispose() } }, 2000)
 <script src="https://unpkg.com/@arction/lcjs@1.3.1/dist/lcjs.iife.js"></script>

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