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Python 中的 Pivot 表使用 Pandas

[英]Pivot table in Python using Pandas

I have a data frame which has data in following format:我有一个数据框,其中包含以下格式的数据:


I have to pivot up the Status column and Pivot down the states Columns to make table look like:我必须 pivot 向上状态列和 Pivot 向下状态列使表格看起来像:


I am trying to do it using pd.pivot_table but unable to get the desired results.我正在尝试使用 pd.pivot_table 来做到这一点,但无法获得所需的结果。 Here is what I am trying:这是我正在尝试的:

table = pd.pivot_table(data = covid19_df_latest, index = ['Date', 'Delhi', 'Maharashtra', 'Haryana'], values = ['Status'], aggfunc = np.max)

I am getting error "No numeric types to aggregate", Please suggest我收到错误“没有要聚合的数字类型”,请建议

Use DataFrame.melt with DataFrame.pivot_table :使用DataFrame.meltDataFrame.pivot_table

df= (covid19_df_latest.melt(['Date','Status'], var_name='State')
                      .rename_axis(None, axis=1))
print (df)
       Date        State  Deceased  Identified  Recovered
0  14/05/20        Delhi      1200       10000       2000
1  14/05/20      Haryana      1000       20000        800
2  14/05/20  Maharashtra      1000       15000       3700

Details : Solution first unpivot Dataframe by melt :详细信息:解决方案首先通过melt取消 Dataframe :

print (covid19_df_latest.melt(['Date','Status'], var_name='State'))
       Date      Status        State  value
0  14/05/20  Identified        Delhi  10000
1  14/05/20   Recovered        Delhi   2000
2  14/05/20    Deceased        Delhi   1200
3  14/05/20  Identified  Maharashtra  15000
4  14/05/20   Recovered  Maharashtra   3700
5  14/05/20    Deceased  Maharashtra   1000
6  14/05/20  Identified      Haryana  20000
7  14/05/20   Recovered      Haryana    800
8  14/05/20    Deceased      Haryana   1000

and then pivoting with max aggregate function.然后使用max聚合 function 进行旋转。

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