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[英]How can I search conan for packages by description text?

I've not used Conan before.我以前没用过柯南。 I've now installed it, and I basically know how to install a package with it, but - I need to find packages.我现在已经安装了它,我基本上知道如何用它安装 package,但是 - 我需要找到包。

I've gone here: https://bintray.com/conan/conan-center我去过这里: https://bintray.com/conan/conan-center

and there's a search interface, but it seems to ignore package descriptions and only try to match package names.并且有一个搜索界面,但它似乎忽略了 package 描述,只尝试匹配 package 名称。 This is really problematic, for obvious reasons.这确实是有问题的,原因很明显。

My question: Other than scrolling through packages, what can I do to search for packages by matching description text?我的问题:除了滚动浏览包之外,我还能做些什么来通过匹配描述文本来搜索包?

There is a new interface, including a new search service, in https://conan.io/center/ .https://conan.io/center/中有一个新界面,包括一个新的搜索服务。 The search might be a bit better, but not yet indexing the full description fields.搜索可能会好一些,但还没有索引完整的描述字段。

The packages are now generated from pull requests submitted to the conan-center-index repo , and issues specific to the Web UI, including the search functionality can use the " conan.io/center " label.这些包现在是从提交到conan-center-index repo的拉取请求生成的,以及特定于 Web UI 的问题,包括搜索功能可以使用“ conan.io/center”label Some of the current suggestions include navigating by topics.当前的一些建议包括按主题导航。 Indexing the descriptions will be done, hopefully soon.将完成对描述的索引,希望很快。

In the meantime, cloning and grepping the conan-center-index repo is a very convenient/pragmatic way to find things including descriptions同时,克隆和 grepping conan-center-index repo是一种非常方便/实用的查找内容(包括描述)的方法

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