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Clojure:定期轮询数据库 - 带有超时通道的 core.async VS 带有睡眠的普通递归线程?

[英]Clojure: Polling database periodically - core.async w/ timeout channel VS vanilla recursive Thread w/ sleep?

I have a Ring-based server which has an atom for storing application state which is periodically fetched from database every 10 seconds for frequently changing info and every 60 seconds for the rest.我有一个基于 Ring 的服务器,它有一个用于存储应用程序 state 的原子,它每 10 秒定期从数据库中获取一次,用于频繁更改信息,每 60 秒一次用于 rest。

(defn set-world-update-interval
  [f time-in-ms]
  (let [stop (async/chan)]
    (async/go-loop []
        (async/timeout time-in-ms) (do (async/<! (async/thread (f)))
        stop :stop))

(mount/defstate world-listener
  :start (set-world-update-interval #(do (println "Checking data in db") (reset! world-atom (fetch-world-data)) ) 10000)
  :stop (async/close! world-listener))

It works pretty good.它工作得很好。 RAM usage is pretty stable. RAM 使用率相当稳定。 But I'm wondering if this is an improper use of core.async?但我想知道这是否是对 core.async 的不当使用?

Perhaps it should be a regular Thread instead like this?也许它应该是这样的常规线程?

(doto (Thread. (fn []
                 (loop []
                   (Thread/sleep 1000)
                   (println "Checking data in db")
                   (reset! world-atom (fetch-world-data))
    (reify Thread$UncaughtExceptionHandler
      (uncaughtException [this thread exception]
        (println "Cleaning up!"))))

While there's nothing wrong with your core.async implementation of this pattern, I'd suggest using a java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService for this.虽然此模式的core.async实现没有任何问题,但我建议为此使用java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService It gives you precise control over the thread pool and the scheduling.它使您可以精确控制线程池和调度。

Try something like this:尝试这样的事情:

(ns your-app.world
  (:require [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
            [mount.core :as mount])
    (java.util.concurrent Executors ScheduledExecutorService ThreadFactory TimeUnit)))

(defn ^ThreadFactory create-thread-factory
  (let [thread-number (atom 0)]
    (reify ThreadFactory
      (newThread [_ runnable]
        (Thread. runnable (str thread-name-prefix "-" (swap! thread-number inc)))))))

(defn ^ScheduledExecutorService create-single-thread-scheduled-executor
  (let [thread-factory (create-thread-factory thread-name-prefix)]
    (Executors/newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor thread-factory)))

(defn schedule
  [executor runnable interval unit]
  (.scheduleWithFixedDelay executor runnable 0 interval unit))

(defn shutdown-executor
  "Industrial-strength executor shutdown, modify/simplify according to need."
  [^ScheduledExecutorService executor]
  (if (.isShutdown executor)
    (log/info "Executor already shut down")
      (log/info "Shutting down executor")
      (.shutdown executor)                                  ;; Disable new tasks from being scheduled
        ;; Wait a while for currently running tasks to finish
        (if-not (.awaitTermination executor 10 TimeUnit/SECONDS)
            (.shutdownNow executor)                         ;; Cancel currently running tasks
            (log/info "Still waiting to shut down executor. Sending interrupt to tasks.")
            ;; Wait a while for tasks to respond to being cancelled
            (when-not (.awaitTermination executor 10 TimeUnit/SECONDS)
              (throw (ex-info "Executor could not be shut down" {}))))
          (log/info "Executor shutdown completed"))
        (catch InterruptedException _
          (log/info "Interrupted while shutting down. Sending interrupt to tasks.")
          ;; Re-cancel if current thread also interrupted
          (.shutdownNow executor)
          ;; Preserve interrupt status
          (.interrupt (Thread/currentThread)))))))

(defn world-updating-fn
  (log/info "Updating world atom")
  ;; Do your thing here

(mount/defstate world-listener
  :start (doto (create-single-thread-scheduled-executor "world-listener")
           (schedule world-updating-fn 10 TimeUnit/MINUTES))
  :stop (shutdown-executor world-listener))

It seems a little silly to me to use go-loop to create a goroutine that parks on a timeout, when all the work you actually want to do is IO-intensive, and therefore (rightly) done in a separate thread.对我来说,使用go-loop创建一个在超时时停止的 goroutine 似乎有点愚蠢,当你真正想做的所有工作都是 IO 密集型的,因此(正确地)在一个单独的线程中完成。 The result of this is that you're going through threads every cycle.这样做的结果是您在每个周期都经过线程。 These threads are pooled by core.async, so you're not doing the expensive work of creating new threads from nothing, but there's still some overhead to getting them out of the pool and interacting with core.async for the timeout.这些线程由 core.async 池化,因此您无需执行从无到有创建新线程的昂贵工作,但是将它们从池中取出并与 core.async 交互以等待超时仍然存在一些开销。 I'd just keep it simple by leaving core.async out of this operation.我只是通过将 core.async 排除在此操作之外来保持简单。

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