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如何使用 object 密钥更新 javascript map 的值

[英]How to update the value of a javascript map with object key

I have a map with an object as a key.我有一个 map 和一个 object 作为钥匙。 For example: {date:"01/01/1990", idActiv:"4"}.例如:{date:"01/01/1990", idActiv:"4"}。

Then as a value, I have a string ("T" or "F") that represents True or False.然后作为一个值,我有一个代表 True 或 False 的字符串(“T”或“F”)。 My goal is to update that value, given a key.我的目标是在给定密钥的情况下更新该值。

var mapElem = new Map();

mapElem.set({date: "08/06/2020", idActiv: "1"}, "T");
mapElem.set({date: "18/06/2020", idActiv: "3"}, "T");

How I can update the map with object key {date: "08/06/2020", idActiv: "1"}?如何使用 object 密钥 {日期:“08/06/2020”,idActiv:“1”} 更新 map?

If I do this:如果我这样做:

mapElem.set({date: "08/06/2020", idActiv: "1"},"F"); 

I will have keyes repeated (Mozilla Firefox console):我将重复键(Mozilla Firefox 控制台):

mapElem.set({date: "08/06/2020", idActiv: "1"},"F");
size: 3
0: Object { date: "08/06/2020", idActiv: "1" } → "T"
1: Object { date: "18/06/2020", idActiv: "3" } → "T"
2: Object { date: "08/06/2020", idActiv: "1" } → "F"

You have to store objects as {date: "08/06/2020", idActiv: "1"} lone expression creates new instance somewhere您必须将对象存储为{date: "08/06/2020", idActiv: "1"}单独的表达式在某处创建新实例

 const obj1 = {date: "08/06/2020", idActiv: "1"}; const obj2 = {date: "18/06/2020", idActiv: "3"} var mapElem = new Map(); mapElem.set(obj1, "T"); // mapElem.set(obj1.valueOf(), "T"); // equivalent mapElem.set(obj2, "T"); // mapElem.set(obj2.valueOf(), "T"); // equivalent mapElem.set(obj1, "F"); // mapElem.set(obj1.valueOf(), "F"); // equivalent console.log([...mapElem.entries()]);

Since, Object is a reference type, 2 Objects even with the same properties (basically 2 identical objects) are different, as they are 2 different references.由于 Object 是引用类型,因此即使具有相同属性的 2 个对象(基本上是 2 个相同的对象)也是不同的,因为它们是 2 个不同的引用。 The following should work as they are using the same Object (same reference) as a key in the map以下内容应该可以使用,因为它们使用相同的 Object(相同参考)作为 map 中的键

var mapElem = new Map();

const key1 = {date: "08/06/2020", idActiv: "1"};
const key2 = {date: "18/06/2020", idActiv: "3"};

mapElem.set(key1, "T");
mapElem.set(key2, "T");

The same refernce key can be used later to update the value in the Map -稍后可以使用相同的引用键来更新 Map 中的值 -


Alternatively, if the use case do no necessarliy require the keys to be object, you can serialize the object JSON.stringify(object) before using it as the key或者,如果用例不需要密钥为 object,您可以在将其用作密钥之前序列化 object JSON.stringify(object)

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