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使用 python boto3 进行 Dynamodb 查询/扫描

[英]Dynamodb query/scan using python boto3

my dynamodb table has timestamp(in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MN:SS) as PrimaryKey column and temperature as sortkey while in data {"humidity": 42,"location":"room", "temperature":,"thermostat":}我的 dynamodb 表有时间戳(在 YYYY-MM-DD HH:MN:SS 中)作为 PrimaryKey 列和温度作为排序键,而在数据 {“湿度”:42,“位置”:“房间”,“温度”:,“恒温器“:}

in boto3 python i need to scan based on timestamp (now and 15min ago) with condition if difference(temperature - thermostat) > 5 for more than 10 times then return thermostat-5 and if (temperature - thermostat) < 5 for more than 10 times then returns thermostat+5... following is the code在 boto3 python 中,我需要根据时间戳(现在和 15 分钟前)进行扫描,条件是差异(温度 - 恒温器)> 5 超过 10 次,然后返回恒温器 5,如果(温度 - 恒温器)< 5 超过 10次然后返回恒温器+ 5 ...以下是代码

import boto3
import math
import json
import time
import dateutil.tz
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
from dateutil import tz
from dateutil.tz import tzlocal
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr

client = boto3.client('dynamodb')
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    #table_name= "thermostat_dynamo"
    table_name= "TableDynamo"
    Primary_Column_Name = 'timestamp'
    table = dynamodb.Table(table_name)
    #key_param = "thermostat"
    #thermostatVal = table.get_item(Key={key_param:event[key_param]}) ## get record from dynamodb for this sensor
    thermostatVal= 77
    south = dateutil.tz.gettz('Asia/Kolkata')
    now = datetime.now(tz=south)
    fifteen_min_ago =  now - timedelta(seconds=900)
    now = now.strftime('%F %T')
    fifteen_min_ago = fifteen_min_ago.strftime('%F %T')
    fe = Key('timeStamp').between(fifteen_min_ago,now);
    response = table.scan(FilterExpression=fe & Attr('temperature').lt(thermostatVal))
    if response['Count'] == 10:
    #return thermostatVal+5 
        thermonew = thermostatVal + 5
        tosensor = '{"thermostat":'+ str(thermonew) + '}'
        #response = client.publish(topic="updatehomesensor", qos=1, payload=tosensor)

    elif response['Count'] < 10:
        print('{"thermostat":' + str(thermostatVal) + '}')


If timestamp was a sort key, you could have used a Query request to scan through all the items with timestamp > now-15min.如果timestamp是一个排序键,您可以使用Query请求来扫描所有时间戳 > now-15min 的项目。

However, unfortunately, timestamp is your hash key.但是,不幸的是, timestamp是您的 hash 密钥。 The only way you can find the items with timestamp > now-15min is to Scan through all your items.找到时间戳 > now-15min 的项目的唯一方法是Scan所有项目。 This will cost you a lot of money: You pay Amazon for each item scanned, not each item returned after the filtering.这将花费您很多钱:您为每件扫描的商品支付亚马逊费用,而不是过滤后返回的每件商品。

Another problem is that the DynamoDB filtering syntax (look at the FilterExpression documentation) doesn't actually allow to do addition and subtractions as part of the test.另一个问题是 DynamoDB 过滤语法(查看FilterExpression文档)实际上不允许在测试中进行加减运算。 If you always want to do "temperature - thermostat", you can use that as one of the attributes (so you can do a FilterExpression on it), and the second attribute would be "thermostat", and later you can add the two up to get the "temperature".如果您总是想做“温度 - 恒温器”,您可以将其用作属性之一(因此您可以对其进行FilterExpression ),第二个属性将是“恒温器”,稍后您可以将两者相加得到“温度”。

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