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我的 headerStyle 不起作用。 我试图分配背景颜色,但在我运行它时它没有出现

[英]My headerStyle doesn't work. I have tried to assign a background color though it doesn't appear when I run it

My headerStyle doesn't work.我的 headerStyle 不起作用。 I have tried to assign a background color though it doesn't appear when I run it.我试图分配背景颜色,但在我运行它时它没有出现。 I have given a blue color to backgroundColor in headerStyle.我在 headerStyle 中为 backgroundColor 赋予了蓝色。 though it isn't working.虽然它不工作。 I have tried everything but it doesn't work.我已经尝试了一切,但没有用。 I am fairly new to reactNative so cannot figure out the bug.我是 reactNative 的新手,所以无法找出错误。

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Menu from './MenuComponent';
import Dishdetail from './DishdetailComponent';
import Home from './HomeComponent.js';
import Contact from './ContactComponent.js';
import About from './AboutComponent.js';
import { createAppContainer } from 'react-navigation';
import { createStackNavigator } from 'react-navigation-stack';
import { createDrawerNavigator } from 'react-navigation-drawer';
import { Icon } from 'react-native-elements';

const MenuNavigator = createStackNavigator({
  { screen: Menu,
    navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
      headerLeft: <Icon name="menu" size={24} 
        color= 'blue'
        onPress={ () => navigation.toggleDrawer() } />          
  Dishdetail: { screen: Dishdetail }
  initialRouteName: 'Menu',
  navigationOptions: {
      headerStyle: {
          backgroundColor: "#512DA8"
      headerTintColor: '#fff',
      headerTitleStyle: {
          color: "#fff"            

const HomeNavigator = createStackNavigator({
  Home: { screen: Home }
}, {
  navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
    headerStyle: {
      backgroundColor: '#f4511e',
    headerTintColor: '#fff',
    headerTitleStyle: {
      fontWeight: 'bold',

const ContactNavigator = createStackNavigator({
  Contact: { screen: Contact }
  navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
    headerStyle: {
        backgroundColor: "#512DA8"
    headerTitleStyle: {
        color: "#fff"            
    headerLeft: <Icon name = 'menu' size = {24} 
        color = 'blue'
        onPress = {() => navigation.toggleDrawer()}
    headerTintColor: "#fff"  

const AboutNavigator = createStackNavigator({
  About: { screen: About }
  navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
    headerStyle: {
        backgroundColor: "blue"
    headerTitleStyle: {
        color: "#fff"            
    headerLeft: <Icon name = 'menu' size = {24} 
        color = 'blue'
        onPress = {() => navigation.toggleDrawer()}
    headerTintColor: "blue"  

const MainNavigator = createDrawerNavigator({
  Home: { 
      screen: HomeNavigator,
      navigationOptions: {
        title: 'Home',
        drawerLabel: 'Home',
        drawerIcon: ({tintColor}) => (
            size = {24}
            color = {tintColor}
  About: { 
      screen: AboutNavigator,
      navigationOptions: {
        title: 'About Us',
        drawerLabel: 'About Us',
        drawerIcon: ({tintColor}) => (
            size = {24}
            color = {tintColor}
  Menu: { 
      screen: MenuNavigator,
      navigationOptions: {
        title: 'Menu',
        drawerLabel: 'Menu',
        drawerIcon: ({tintColor}) => (
            size = {24}
            color = {tintColor}
  Contact: { 
      screen: ContactNavigator,
      navigationOptions: {
        title: 'Contact Us',
        drawerLabel: 'Contact Us',
        drawerIcon: ({tintColor}) => (
            size = {22}
            color = {tintColor}
}, {
drawerBackgroundColor: '#D1C4E9'

const Main = createAppContainer(MainNavigator);

export default Main;

Depending on what version of React Native you are using the issue could be with navigationOptions .根据您使用的 React Native 版本,问题可能与navigationOptions有关。 If you are using v3 you need to use defaultNavigationOptions instead.如果您使用的是 v3,则需要改用defaultNavigationOptions

defaultNavigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
    headerStyle: {
        backgroundColor: "blue"

I am currently facing the same issue... React native v0.70.5 expo managed project created with typescript.我目前面临同样的问题... React native v0.70.5 expo 托管项目使用 typescript 创建。

in my case, only background color works every other style property isn't expected to be props of header style, I looked into their package, and here's what I found...在我的例子中,只有背景颜色起作用,其他样式属性预计不会成为 header 样式的道具,我查看了他们的 package,这就是我发现的...

headerStyle?: StyleProp<{
    backgroundColor?: string;

in this file.. node_modules@react-navigation\native-stack\src\types.tsx在这个文件中.. node_modules@react-navigation\native-stack\src\types.tsx

for me the most reasonable solution is to add the properties as defined above.对我来说,最合理的解决方案是添加上面定义的属性。

So I've added the styles I need...所以我添加了我需要的 styles ...

  headerStyle?: StyleProp<{
    backgroundColor?: string;
    borderBottomWidth: number,
    shadowColor: string,
    shadowOpacity: number,
    elevation: number,
    height: number

or you could just say:或者你可以说:

  headerStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;

You might need to restart vscode though before the changed reflect... but this solved it for me.您可能需要在更改反映之前重新启动 vscode...但这为我解决了。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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