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PostgreSQL 区分


I am not able to define an alias or to choose specific columns, works only with wildcard:我无法定义别名或选择特定列,仅适用于通配符:


SELECT DISTINCT ON (r.InsertDate) *  
FROM public.server AS s
LEFT JOIN public.Report AS r ON s.Id = r.ServerId
ORDER BY r.InsertDate DESC;

Not working:不工作:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (r.InsertDate) LastReport, s.Id, s.Servername 
FROM public.server AS s
LEFT JOIN public.Report AS r ON s.Id = r.ServerId
ORDER BY r.InsertDate DESC;


ERROR:  column "lastreport" does not exist
LINE 1:  SELECT DISTINCT ON (r.InsertDate) LastReport, s.Id, s.Serve...
SQL state: 42703
Character: 36

Also not working:也不工作:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (r.InsertDate) , s.Id, s.Servername 
FROM public.server AS s
LEFT JOIN public.Report AS r ON s.Id = r.ServerId
ORDER BY r.InsertDate DESC;
ERROR:  column "lastreport" does not exist
LINE 1:  SELECT DISTINCT ON (r.InsertDate) LastReport, s.Id, s.Serve...
SQL state: 42703
Character: 36

ERROR:  syntax error at or near ","
LINE 1:  SELECT DISTINCT ON (r.InsertDate) , s.Id, s.Servername 
SQL state: 42601
Character: 36

Any idea?任何的想法?

You seem to be confused about DISTINCT ON .您似乎对DISTINCT ON感到困惑。 It does not "return a column".它不“返回一列”。 It is a syntactic construct.它是一个句法结构。 These are variations of the SELECT :这些是SELECT的变体:


(The first is the default and never used in practice.) (第一个是默认值,在实践中从未使用过。)

The column list follows these constructs.列列表遵循这些结构。 So, apparently you want:所以,显然你想要:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (r.InsertDate) r.InsertDate as LastReport, s.Id, s.Servername 
FROM public.server s LEFT JOIN
     public.Report r
     ON s.Id = r.ServerId
ORDER BY r.InsertDate DESC;

It turns out that DISTINCT ON is actually parsed after the rest of the SELECT clause, so you can use column aliases:结果发现DISTINCT ON其实是在SELECT子句的rest之后解析的,所以可以使用列别名:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (LastReport) r.InsertDate as LastReport, s.Id, s.Servername 
FROM public.server s LEFT JOIN
     public.Report r
     ON s.Id = r.ServerId

However, the alias must be defined in the column list after the distinct on .但是,别名必须在distinct on之后的列列表中定义。

Note that you are using a LEFT JOIN , so r.InsertDate could be NULLL .请注意,您使用的是LEFT JOIN ,因此r.InsertDate可能NULLL

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