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EF Core - 不要在查询中包含导航属性

[英]EF Core - Don't include navigation properties in query

I'm having a really tough time finding guidance on how to AVOID including navigation properties in EF Core in a database-first approach.我很难找到有关如何避免以数据库优先方法在 EF Core 中包含导航属性的指导。 Using unmodified scaffolded web API controllers in Visual Studio, I have an entity that looks like this (simplified for example):在 Visual Studio 中使用未修改的脚手架 web API 控制器,我有一个看起来像这样的实体(例如简化):

public partial class ProjectPhase
  public ProjectPhase()
     Projects = new HashSet<Project>();

  public int PhaseId { get; set; }
  public string PhaseName { get; set; }

  public virtual ICollection<Project> Projects { get; set; }

My request is the default scaffolded HTTP GET request:我的请求是默认的脚手架 HTTP GET 请求:

// GET: api/Phases
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<ProjectPhase>>> GetPhases ()
  return await _context.ProjectPhases.ToListAsync();

The return value looks like this:返回值如下所示:

  "phaseId": 1,
  "phaseName": "Pilot",
  "projects": []

I want this request to NOT include projects in the returned object. How do I do this?我希望此请求不包括返回的 object 中的projects 。我该怎么做?

if you want to read-only an entity use AsNoTracking .如果你想read-only实体使用AsNoTracking

The AsNoTracking() extension method returns a new query and the returned entities will not be cached by the context (DbContext or Object Context). AsNoTracking() 扩展方法返回一个新查询,并且返回的实体不会被上下文(DbContext 或 Object 上下文)缓存。

public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<ProjectPhase>>> GetPhases()
  return await _context.ProjectPhases.AsNoTracking().ToListAsync();

And another way to make the final object better by using a DTO class that matches the entity class and use automapper maybe for mapping.另一种使最终 object 更好的方法是使用与实体 class 匹配的 DTO class 并可能使用automapper器进行映射。

For my purposes, using something like Automapper was a bit overkill.出于我的目的,使用像 Automapper 这样的东西有点矫枉过正。 I just wanted to exclude a few navigation properties, so I just used the JsonIgnore attribute like so.我只是想排除一些导航属性,所以我只是像这样使用了JsonIgnore属性。

public int PhaseId { get; set; }
public string PhaseName { get; set; }

public virtual ICollection<Project> Projects { get; set; }

Hope this helps someone else!希望这可以帮助别人!

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