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[英]Best practices for using GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS in gitlab CI/CD

I'm trying to make GitLab pipelines that deploy GCP instances through the GCP terraform provider .我正在尝试制作 GitLab 管道,通过GCP terraform provider部署 GCP 实例。 Other platforms like AWS have environmental variables like $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY that can be used to authenticate requests, but GCP seems to use service account credential files instead. AWS 等其他平台具有$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY等环境变量,可用于对请求进行身份验证,但 GCP 似乎改用服务帐户凭证文件。

I could create a CI gitlab file variable to contain my GCP service account credential file, but I can only add it in an insecure way.我可以创建一个 CI gitlab 文件变量来包含我的 GCP 服务帐户凭证文件,但我只能以不安全的方式添加它。 If I attempt to mask my file variable under the GitLab ci-cd settings it produces the error message This variable can not be masked.如果我尝试在 GitLab ci-cd 设置下屏蔽我的文件变量,它会生成错误消息This variable can not be masked.

What is the proper best practice for storing GCP service account credential files in GitLab CI/CD environmental variables?在 GitLab CI/CD 环境变量中存储 GCP 服务帐户凭证文件的正确最佳做法是什么?

One approach is to take the environment variable and write it out as a file.一种方法是获取环境变量并将其作为文件写出。 When you add variable in the newer versions of Gitlab, there is a dropdown that lets you choose between "Variable" and "File".当您在 Gitlab 的较新版本中添加变量时,有一个下拉菜单可让您在“变量”和“文件”之间进行选择。 If you put the contents in the value field, you can use a cp $VARIABLE_NAME name-of-file.bob .如果将内容放在值字段中,则可以使用cp $VARIABLE_NAME name-of-file.bob

You don't need to mask it because it is never written to the log (unless you cat it), but I do recommend you check the "Protect" check box which means it will only be used on protected branches.您不需要屏蔽它,因为它永远不会写入日志(除非您 cat 它),但我建议您选中“保护”复选框,这意味着它只会在受保护的分支上使用。

A second approach is to encrypt it and decrypt it using a password which is in a protected variable.第二种方法是使用受保护变量中的密码对其进行加密和解密。 It would require getting another program in the build, but that might work for you.这将需要在构建中获取另一个程序,但这可能对您有用。

A third is use something like age to check in the encrypted file, write out a SSH as a fancy decryption key, and then package the SSH.第三种是使用年龄之类的东西来检查加密文件,写出 SSH 作为花式解密密钥,然后写出 package SSH。

But, the first approach is probably going to be your best bet.但是,第一种方法可能是您最好的选择。

The best practice way to achieve this is using Workload Identity Federation .实现这一目标的最佳实践方法是使用Workload Identity Federation
Documentation on how to set this up in Gitlab CI/CD is available . 有关如何在 Gitlab CI/CD 中进行设置的文档可用 Unfortunately it is not in GA yet and thus not suited for production use.不幸的是,它还没有正式发布,因此不适合生产使用。

Best practice in terms of security:安全方面的最佳实践:

  1. You need to generate a JSON key file containing the credentials that GitLab will use to authenticate Google Cloud.您需要生成一个 JSON 密钥文件,其中包含 GitLab 将用于对 Google Cloud 进行身份验证的凭据。
  2. In Gitlab -> Settings -> CI/CD expand Secret variables area在 Gitlab -> Settings -> CI/CD展开Secret variables区域
  3. Here goes your GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS as a key and additionally with the value the content of step 1这是您的 GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS 作为键,另外还有第 1 步的内容的值
  4. Refer to your key value pair in the configuration file in your pipeline在管道的配置文件中引用您的键值对

For example like this in your pipeline configuration file (step 4):例如在您的管道配置文件中这样(第 4 步):


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