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从非结构化文本创建 pandas DataFrame

[英]Creating a pandas DataFrame from unstructured text

Sorry for the noob question but here it goes.抱歉这个菜鸟问题,但它就在这里。 I'm trying to analyse some Facebook messages.我正在尝试分析一些 Facebook 消息。 So far I downloaded an html file, turned it into a neat list with BeautifulSoup and now I'm trying to create a dataframe out of it.到目前为止,我下载了一个 html 文件,用 BeautifulSoup 将它变成了一个整洁的列表,现在我正在尝试从中创建一个 dataframe。

I'm looking at this resource: https://datatofish.com/list-to-dataframe/ but it's not working out.我正在查看此资源: https://datatofish.com/list-to-dataframe/但它没有成功。

Here's the format of what I have now:这是我现在拥有的格式:

list = ['2019-01-07 12:51 PM', 'name1', 'hi how are you', 'im at home', 'wanna come over?', '2019-01-07 01:02 PM', 'name2', 'hell yeah', '🐟', 'ill bring beer', '2019-01-07 01:06 PM', 'name1', 'awesome', 'and so on']

I tried a couple of different things but I'm starting to think I bit more than I can chew.我尝试了几种不同的方法,但我开始觉得我有点吃不消了。 I'm learning at the moment.我现在正在学习。

Here's the output I'm hoping to get:这是我希望得到的 output:

index date          time       name            message
0      2019-01-07   12:51 PM   name1           hi how are you
1      2019-01-07   12:51 PM   name1           im at home
2      2019-01-07   12:51 PM   name1           wanna come over?
3      2019-01-07   12:56 PM   name2           hell yeah

I tried iterating over the list and filling columns as it went along and hit a date, name or message.我尝试遍历列表并填充列,然后点击日期、名称或消息。

As I said, I'm learning, so rather than solutions it would be amazing if you could point me in the right direction to research into.正如我所说,我正在学习,所以如果你能指出我正确的研究方向,而不是解决方案,那就太棒了。 I'd be very grateful.我将不胜感激。 Thanks!谢谢!

Edit: I tried a couple of existing message parsers but they all stopped being supported in 2018 for some reason.编辑:我尝试了几个现有的消息解析器,但由于某种原因,它们都在 2018 年不再受支持。 They also all give me parse error messages.他们也都给我解析错误信息。

It is a bit ugly, but it works.这有点难看,但它有效。 I'll gladly upvote a more elgant solution !我很乐意支持一个更优雅的解决方案!

l = iter(['2019-01-07 12:51 PM', 'name1', 'hi how are you', 'im at home', 'wanna come over?', '2019-01-07 01:02 PM', 'name2', 'hell yeah', '🐟', 'ill bring beer', '2019-01-07 01:06 PM', 'name1', 'awesome', 'and so on'])
df = pd.DataFrame()

# get first element in list
x = next(l)

# if element is the last, catch the IterationError and stop
    while 1:
        # try to convert element to datetime
        datetime = pd.to_datetime(x, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %p")
        # if successful get next element as name
        x = next(l)
        name = x

        # get next elements as messages while they do not match datetime format
        x = next(l)
        while 1:
                # if datetime conversion is successful break while 
                pd.to_datetime(x, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %p");
            except ValueError:
                # else add message to dataframe
                df = df.append([{"datetime":datetime,"name":name,"msg":x}])
                x = next(l)
except StopIteration:

df["date"] = df["datetime"].dt.date
df["time"] = df["datetime"].dt.time

             datetime               msg   name        date      time
0 2019-01-07 12:51:00    hi how are you  name1  2019-01-07  12:51:00
0 2019-01-07 12:51:00        im at home  name1  2019-01-07  12:51:00
0 2019-01-07 12:51:00  wanna come over?  name1  2019-01-07  12:51:00
0 2019-01-07 01:02:00         hell yeah  name2  2019-01-07  01:02:00
0 2019-01-07 01:02:00                 🐟  name2  2019-01-07  01:02:00
0 2019-01-07 01:02:00    ill bring beer  name2  2019-01-07  01:02:00
0 2019-01-07 01:06:00           awesome  name1  2019-01-07  01:06:00
0 2019-01-07 01:06:00         and so on  name1  2019-01-07  01:06:00

Using regular expressions and list comprehensions, the list content is extracted and transformed into a Pandas dataframe:使用正则表达式和列表推导,列表内容被提取并转换为 Pandas dataframe:

import pandas as pd

import re

datetime_regex = re.compile(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}\sPM")
name_regex = re.compile(r"name\d+")

cols = ["date",

l = ['2019-01-07 12:51 PM',
     'hi how are you',
     'im at home',
     'wanna come over?',
     '2019-01-07 01:02 PM',
     'hell yeah',
     'ill bring beer',
     '2019-01-07 01:06 PM',
     'and so on'
tmp = ''.join(l)

datetimes = re.findall(datetime_regex, tmp)
dates = [datetime[:11] for datetime in datetimes]
times = [datetime[11:] for datetime in datetimes]
names = re.findall(name_regex, tmp)

messages = [line
            for line in l
            if not line.startswith(('2019', 'name1', 'name2'))

data = [[[dates[0], times[0], names[0], msg]
        for msg in messages[:3]],
        [[dates[1], times[1], names[1], messages[3]]],
        [[dates[2], times[2], names[2], msg]
        for msg in messages[4:]]

flatten = [item for sublist in data for item in sublist]

df = pd.DataFrame(flatten, columns=cols)

Which returns:返回:

          date      time   name           message
0  2019-01-07   12:51 PM  name1    hi how are you
1  2019-01-07   12:51 PM  name1        im at home
2  2019-01-07   12:51 PM  name1  wanna come over?
3  2019-01-07   01:02 PM  name2         hell yeah
4  2019-01-07   01:06 PM  name1                 🐟
5  2019-01-07   01:06 PM  name1    ill bring beer
6  2019-01-07   01:06 PM  name1           awesome
7  2019-01-07   01:06 PM  name1         and so on

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