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如何在 xUnit 中为 class 构造函数创建单元测试?

[英]How to create unit test for class constructor in xUnit?

Say I have this class:假设我有这个 class:

public class BankAccount : IBankAccount
    public int Id { get; private set; }
    public int BankAccountNo { get; private set; }
    public decimal Balance { get; private set; }

    public BankAccount(int BankAccountNo, decimal Balance)
        this.BankAccountNo = BankAccountNo;

        if(Balance <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("Create bank account failed. Balance should be more than zero.");

        this.Balance = Balance;

    public void Deposit(BankTransaction bankTransaction)
        if (bankTransaction.TransactionAmount <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("Deposit failed. Transaction amount is more than account balance.");

        this.Balance += bankTransaction.TransactionAmount;

        // Insert transaction record at BankTransaction Repository class

My previous design is Deposit have BankAccount in the method parameter.我之前的设计是在方法参数中存款有BankAccount With this design, I could create unit test for Deposit method as below:通过这种设计,我可以为Deposit方法创建单元测试,如下所示:

    [Theory, MemberData(nameof(DepositShouldPass_Data))]
    public void DepositShouldPass(BankAccount account, BankTransaction bankTransaction, BankAccount accountExpected)
        // Act
        _bankAccount.Deposit(account, bankTransaction);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(accountExpected.Balance, _bankAccount.Balance);

    public static TheoryData<BankAccount, BankTransaction, BankAccount> DepositShouldPass_Data()
        return new TheoryData<BankAccount, BankTransaction, BankAccount>
                new BankAccount(123, 250.00M),
                new BankTransaction(50.00M),
                new BankAccount(123, 300.00M)
                new BankAccount(321, 150.50M),
                new BankTransaction(10.50M),
                new BankAccount(321, 160.00M)

But now, I want to re-design BankAccount class by removing BankAccount as method parameter in Deposit method.但是现在,我想重新设计BankAccount class 通过删除BankAccount作为Deposit方法中的方法参数。 With this new design, how do I pass test data using xUnit?有了这个新设计,我如何使用 xUnit 传递测试数据? Secondly is how do I create unit test for my constructor?其次是如何为我的构造函数创建单元测试?

You can try this:你可以试试这个:

var bankAccountNo = new Random().Next();
var balance = 0;
BankAccount TestCode() => new BankAccount(bankAccountNo, balance);
var exception = Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(TestCode);
Assert.StartsWith("Create bank account failed. Balance should be more than zero.", exception.Message);

And this:和这个:

var bankAccountNo = new Random().Next();
var balance = new Random().Next();
var bankAccount = new BankAccount(bankAccountNo, balance);
Assert.Equal(bankAccountNo, bankAccount.BankAccountNo);
Assert.Equal(balance, bankAccount.Balance);

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