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[英]Start tag body seen but an element of the same type was already open

My website seems good, have original design,responsive, compatible with every browser but the validator doesnt like my website.So, I want to pass its silly exam.It turned honour issue for me.我的网站看起来不错,设计新颖,响应迅速,兼容所有浏览器,但验证者不喜欢我的网站。所以,我想通过它愚蠢的考试。这对我来说变成了荣誉问题。

I havent two body tag but it says that:我没有两个身体标签,但它说:

Error: Start tag body seen but an element of the same type was already open.

From line 748, column 5; to line 748, column 399

iv>↩↩↩    <body class="home page-template page-template-template-Blank page-template

http://www.hekim.deniz-tasarim.site/ http://www.hekim.deniz-tasarim.site/

https://validator.w3.org/ https://validator.w3.org/

How can I "fix" it?我该如何“修复”它?

you use wordpress so in header.php of the theme file, wrap un-default lines with comment line markers then check again.You can learn the default lines in standart header.php from twentyseventeen theme.It is an example theme which relased from wordpress. you use wordpress so in header.php of the theme file, wrap un-default lines with comment line markers then check again.You can learn the default lines in standart header.php from twentyseventeen theme.It is an example theme which relased from wordpress .

So, the question solved.You can check the website again.所以,问题解决了。您可以再次查看网站。


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