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如何使用 Selenium 和 Python 从网站以数字形式获取价格

[英]How to get the price as a number from a website using Selenium and Python

I am creating a bot that would automate my work and copy particular values from a particular website.我正在创建一个机器人,它可以自动化我的工作并从特定网站复制特定值。 Everything works fine but the last lines of my code that says w.text produces an outcome which is text and I need a number.一切正常,但我的代码的最后几行 w.text 产生的结果是文本,我需要一个数字。 Each element that I need the value of looks like this after inspection:检查后,我需要的每个元素的值如下所示:

<span class="good">€25,217.65</span>

How do I get the value as a number instead of as a text?如何将值作为数字而不是文本获取? I tried w.value or w.get_attribute('value) but it doesn't work.我尝试了 w.value 或 w.get_attribute('value) 但它不起作用。 Here is my program (excluding downloads of libraries and files)这是我的程序(不包括库和文件的下载)

driver = webdriver.Chrome(driver_path)   
# waiting for login table to load
    element = WebDriverWait(driver,10).until(

#entering sensitive info
driver.find_element_by_id("email").send_keys(pwx.em)                                  # login details
driver.find_element_by_id("password").send_keys(pwx.pw)                               # password 
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="appContainer"]/div/form/button').click()       # click sign in

# waiting for page to load
    element = WebDriverWait(driver,10).until(

# getting info from the page
w = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//* 
cell = outcome['import']
cell[withdrawal_cell].value = w.text

As per the HTML you have shared:根据您共享的 HTML:

<span class="good">€25,217.65</span>

The text €25,217.65 is the innerHTML .文本€25,217.65innerHTML

So, you can extract the text €25,217.65 using either:因此,您可以使用以下任一方法提取文本€25,217.65

  • w.get_attribute("innerHTML")
  • text attribute.文本属性。

Now to get the value €25,217.65 as a number instead of text you need to:现在要获得价值€25,217.65作为数字而不是文本,您需要:

  • Remove the and , character using re.sub() :使用re.sub()删除,字符:

     import re string = "€25,217.65" my_string = re.sub('[€,]', '', string)
  • Finally, to convert the string to float you need to pass the string as an argument to the float() as follows:最后,要将字符串转换为浮点数,您需要将字符串作为参数传递给float() ,如下所示:

     my_number = float(my_string)

So the entire operation in a single line:所以整个操作在一行中:

import re

string = "€25,217.65"       
print(float(re.sub('[€,]', '', string)))

Effectively, your line of code can be either of the following:实际上,您的代码行可以是以下任何一种:

  • Using text attribute:使用文本属性:

     cell[withdrawal_cell].value = float(re.sub('[€,]', '', w.text))
  • Using get_attribute("innerHTML") :使用get_attribute("innerHTML")

     cell[withdrawal_cell].value = float(re.sub('[€,]', '', w.get_attribute("innerHTML")))

You could use some of Python's built in functions for that:您可以为此使用一些 Python 的内置函数:

  1. str.strip() to remove any leading or trailing '€' character, then str.strip()删除任何前导或尾随 '€' 字符,然后
  2. str.replace() to remove ',' (replace it with an empty string '') str.replace()删除','(用空字符串''替换它)


str_w = w.text  # this is the '€25,217.65' string
digits=str_w.strip('€').replace(',','')     # use the functions above to get number-like string
cell[withdrawal_cell].value = float(digits)   # convert to float number

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