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ReactJS - react-table 中的复选框列不起作用

[英]ReactJS - Checkbox column in react-table doesn't work

I have added an editable react-table ( https://codesandbox.io/s/github/tannerlinsley/react-table/tree/master/examples/kitchen-sink ) to my project and everything works fine.我在我的项目中添加了一个可编辑的反应表( https://codesandbox.io/s/github/tannerlinsley/react-table/tree/master/examples/kitchen-sink ),一切正常。 But when I added a column with checkboxes, and tick the checkboxes and go to a different page (or sort or search) and come back, ticks are gone.但是,当我添加一个带有复选框的列,并将复选框和 go 勾选到另一个页面(或排序或搜索)并返回时,勾选消失了。 This is how I have added the checkbox to the 'columns' field,这就是我将复选框添加到“列”字段的方式,

   Header: 'On Leave',
   accessor: 'onLeave',
   Filter: SelectColumnFilter,
   filter: 'includes',
   disableGroupBy: true,
   Cell: row => { return(
            <div style={{'text-align':'center'}}>
              <input type="checkbox" 
                value={row.value == "Yes" ? "on" : "off"} 
                onBlur={(event) => updateMyData(parseInt(row.row.id), row.column.id, event.target.checked ? "Yes" : "No")}  />

updateMyData() is fired when focus is lost from checkbox and console.log prints correct data, updateMyData() 在复选框丢失焦点并且 console.log 打印正确数据时触发,

0 : 0 : onLeave : Yes
1 : 1 : onLeave : Yes
2 : 2 : onLeave : Yes
3 : 3 : onLeave : Yes
4 : 4 : onLeave : Yes

updateMyData() is as follows, updateMyData() 如下,

// When our cell renderer calls updateMyData, we'll use
// the rowIndex, columnId and new value to update the
// original data

const updateMyData = (rowIndex, columnId, value) => {

    // We also turn on the flag to not reset the page
    skipResetRef.current = true
    setData(old =>
      old.map((row, index) => {
        if (index === rowIndex) { console.log(index + " : " +  rowIndex + " : " + columnId + " : " + value););
          return {
            [columnId]: value,
        return row


Why is the checkbox values not saved in 'data' field?为什么复选框值未保存在“数据”字段中? Thanks谢谢

Problem was with using checkbox 'value' attribute.问题在于使用复选框“值”属性。 Instead of that, using 'defaultChecked' solved the problem,取而代之的是,使用“defaultChecked”解决了这个问题,

Cell: row => {
    <div style={{'text-align':'center'}}>
      <input type="checkbox" 
        defaultChecked={row.value == "Yes" ? true : false} 
        onBlur={(event) => updateMyData(parseInt(row.row.id), row.column.id, event.target.checked ? "Yes" : "No")}  />

This question has more details, How to set default Checked in checkbox ReactJS?这个问题有更多细节, 如何设置默认选中复选框 ReactJS?

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