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Python 在文件中搜索确切的字符串

[英]Python search for an exact string in a file

import re

def find_string(file_name, word):
   with open(file_name, 'r') as a:
       for line in a:
           line = line.rstrip()
           if re.search("^{}$".format(word),line):
             return True
   return False

if find_string('/tmp/myfile', 'hello'):
    print("not found")


hello world #does not match
hello #match

If I remove ^ and $ then it will match but it will also match "he","hel" etc. How can I match the exact string if there are multiples words on a single line?如果我删除 ^ 和 $ 那么它会匹配但它也会匹配“he”、“hel”等。如果单行上有多个单词,我如何匹配确切的字符串?

You may try using word-boundaries around your text.您可以尝试在文本周围使用单词边界 Something like:就像是:


You can find the demo of the above regex in here.您可以在此处找到上述正则表达式的演示。

Sample implementation in Python Python 中的示例实现

import re
def find_string(file_name, word):
   with open(file_name, 'r') as a:
       for line in a:
           line = line.rstrip()
           if re.search(r"\b{}\b".format(word),line):
             return True
   return False

if find_string('myfile.txt', 'hello'):
    print("not found")

You can find the sample run of the above implementation in here.您可以在此处找到上述实现的示例运行。

Do you want something like this?你想要这样的东西吗? Sorry if not对不起,如果没有

import re

with open('regex.txt', 'r') as a:
    word = "hello"
    for line in a:
        line = line.rstrip()
        if re.search(r"({})".format(word), line):
            print(f'{line} ->>>> match!')
            print(f'{line} ->>>> not match!')
text file:
hello world #does not match
hello #match
test here
teste hello here

hello world #does not match ->>>> match!
hello #match ->>>> match!
test here ->>>> not match!
teste hello here ->>>> match!

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