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如何比较 Java 中的两个日期,然后将结果与另一个日期进行比较?

[英]How to compare two dates in Java and then compare the result vs another date?

Noob here!菜鸟在这里! First I am trying to compare dateOne and dateTwo with each other, then which ever that has the most recent date (> 0) take it and compare that versus the cutOffDate .首先,我试图将dateOnedateTwo相互比较,然后哪个具有最近日期(> 0)的那个将其与cutOffDate进行比较。

If its after cutOffDate , set that to be FinalDate , else set cutOffDate to be FinalDate .如果它在cutOffDate之后,将其设置为FinalDate ,否则将cutOffDate设置为FinalDate How can I achieve this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

I'm not sure if I'm on the right track here, I am getting the following error with dateOne.compareTo(dateTwo) :我不确定我是否在正确的轨道上, dateOne.compareTo(dateTwo)出现以下错误:

The method compareTo(String) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (Date) String 类型中的 compareTo(String) 方法不适用于 arguments (Date)

public DateServiceImpl process(final DateServiceImpl item) throws Exception {

    final Date dateOne = item.getDateOne();
    final Date dateTwo = item.getDateTwo();

    final BigDecimal amountOne= item.getAmountOne();
    final BigDecimal amountTwo= item.getAmountTwo();

    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
    String cutOffDate = "01/01/2020";

    Date cDate = sdf.parse(cutOffDate);
    if ((amountOne.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) && (amountTwo.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0)){
        if (dateOne.compareTo(dateTwo) <= 0) {
        return null;

LocalDate from java.time and Collections.max() LocalDate 来自 java.time 和 Collections.max()

Do use java.time, the modern Java date and time API, for your date work.请务必使用 java.time,现代 Java 日期和时间 API,用于您的约会工作。 First, java.time allows to declare the formatter once and for all:首先, java.time 允许一劳永逸地声明格式化程序:

private static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_FORMATTER
        = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM/dd/yyyy");

I understand that the final date should be the latest of dateOne , dateTwo and the cut-off date.我了解最终日期应该是dateOnedateTwo和截止日期中最晚的日期。 Given that DateServiceImpl uses LocalDate instead of Date , the logic can be simplified:鉴于DateServiceImpl使用LocalDate而不是Date ,逻辑可以简化:

    LocalDate dateOne = item.getDateOne();
    LocalDate dateTwo = item.getDateTwo();

    String cutOffDate = "01/01/2020";

    LocalDate cDate = LocalDate.parse(cutOffDate, DATE_FORMATTER);

    LocalDate finalDate = Collections.max(Arrays.asList(dateOne, dateTwo, cDate));


I have left out the final declarations and the amount logic since they weren't relevant to the question asked;我省略了final声明和金额逻辑,因为它们与所提出的问题无关; you can put those back in yourself.你可以把它们放回你自己。

A LocalDate is a date without time of day. LocalDate是没有时间的日期。 I thought that this was what you needed, please check yourself.我认为这是您需要的,请检查自己。

Edit: as Basil Bourque suggests in a comment, if using Java 9 or later, you will probably prefer List.of() over Arrays.asList() :编辑:正如 Basil Bourque 在评论中建议的那样,如果使用 Java 9 或更高版本,您可能会更喜欢List.of()而不是Arrays.asList()

    LocalDate finalDate = Collections.max(List.of(dateOne, dateTwo, cDate));

For situations where this is not enough LocalDate also has methods isBefore and isAfter for comparisons.对于这还不够的情况, LocalDate也有方法isBeforeisAfter用于比较。

Collections.max() works with Date too Collections.max() 也适用于 Date

If you cannot afford to upgrade DateServiceImpl to java.time just now, you may use Collections.max() on three old-fashioned Date objects in the same way.如果您现在无法将DateServiceImpl升级到 java.time,您可以以相同的方式在三个老式Date对象上使用Collections.max()

Collections.max() also comes in an overloaded version that takes Comparator as its second argument. Collections.max()也有一个重载版本,它将Comparator作为其第二个参数。 Since both LocalDate and Date implement Comparable we don't need that here.由于LocalDateDate都实现了Comparable我们在这里不需要它。


You're on the right track.你在正确的轨道上。 You just need another comparison and you should be good.你只需要另一个比较,你应该很好。

if (dateOne.compareTo(dateTwo) > 0) {
    if (dateOne.compareTo(cDate) > 0) {
    } else {
} else {
    if (dateTwo.compareTo(cDate) > 0) {
    } else {

You needed to check each case of which order the dates come in (check if dateOne comes before dateTwo and check if dateOne comes after dateTwo ).您需要检查日期进入的每种情况(检查 dateOne 是否在dateOne之前并检查dateTwo是否在dateOne dateTwo )。 Then, for each of those checks, you have to check whether the most recent date comes before or after the cutoff date.然后,对于每一项检查,您必须检查最近的日期是在截止日期之前还是之后。

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