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如何在 C# 单元测试项目中模拟 class

[英]How to mock a class in C# unit testing project

I have a class I want to moq:我有一个 class 我想要最小起订量:

    public class ODriver
        public int DriverId { get; set; }      

        public virtual bool CanDrive()
            return false;

She is used like this in the method I want to test:她在我要测试的方法中是这样使用的:

    var driver = new ODriver();

    // Must be false except in the unit test
    var canDrive = driver.CanDrive();

I mock the method like this in my unit test:我在单元测试中模拟了这样的方法:

  var driverMoq = new Mock<ODriver>();
  driverMoq.Setup(d => d.CanDrive()).Returns(true);

When the test is runned, the result of the CanDrive method returns false.运行测试时,CanDrive 方法的结果返回 false。 What do I have to do in order to have the mocked class used?为了使用模拟的 class,我需要做什么?

Thank you all !谢谢你们 !

So the answer is: I adapted the code of the method I tested and added the ODriver object as parameter.所以答案是:我修改了我测试的方法的代码,并添加了 ODriver object 作为参数。

Thank you for your help, I didn't know how it works.感谢您的帮助,我不知道它是如何工作的。


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