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当仅调用一个数组进行更改/排序时,React state arrays 正在更改/排序在一起

[英]React state arrays are changing/being sorted together when only one array is called to be changed/sorted

I have two arrays in my state, one is randomly generated and I want the other to be the sorted version of the random array.我的 state 中有两个 arrays,一个是随机生成的,我希望另一个是随机数组的排序版本。 Every time I call my sort function on my second array they always both change?每次我在第二个数组上调用我的排序 function 时,它们总是都会改变? Does anyone know why this is.有人知道为什么吗。 I'm pulling my hair out over this...我正在为此拔头发...

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      array: Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)),
      sortedArray: [],

    this.generateArray = this.generateArray.bind(this);

render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.generateArray}>Generate Array</button>

generateArray(e) {

    let a = this.state.array;
    this.setState({ sortedArray: a.sort() });

When I call this function in my render method, both the state.array and state.sortedArray change to be sorted, how do I only sort one?当我在我的渲染方法中调用这个 function 时,state.array 和 state.sortedArray 都更改为排序,我如何只排序一个?

The Array.prototype.sort() method in JavaScript sorts the array in-place; JavaScript 中的Array.prototype.sort()方法对数组进行就地排序; in other words, it changes the original array.换句话说,它改变了原始数组。 Putting a slice() in front of sort() to make a shallow copy of the array will fix the problem: a.slice().sort()slice()放在sort()前面以制作数组的浅表副本将解决问题: a.slice().sort()

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