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System.getProperty() 显示 null

[英]System.getProperty() showing null

How so I get the default value of system property in java like ntlm.debug or jdk.tls.stapling.我如何获得 java 中系统属性的默认值,如 ntlm.debug 或 jdk.tls.stapling。 ignoreExtensions On using system.getProperty(Property name) gives null. ignoreExtensions On using system.getProperty(Property name) 给出 null。 I am running with jdk version 11.0.7 Is there any other way to get default values of the properties?我正在运行 jdk 版本 11.0.7 有没有其他方法可以获取属性的默认值?

System.getProperties() will give a map of all default properties of the system.
sun.management.compiler : HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers
sun.jnu.encoding : UTF-8
java.runtime.version : 14+36-1461

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