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本地主机上的 WordPress 错误,XAMPP:“安装失败:下载失败。 没有找到工作交通工具”

[英]WordPress error on localhost, XAMPP: “Installation failed: Download failed. No working transports found”

I'm having problems since I updated Apache on Windows 10 from PHP 7.2 to PHP 7.4 ...自从我在Windows 10上从PHP 7.2PHP 7.4更新Apache后,我遇到了问题

I thought I had everything running.我以为我的一切都在运行。 But now when I try to install a plugin, WordPress tells me: "Installation failed: Download failed. No working transports found."但是现在当我尝试安装插件时,WordPress 告诉我: "Installation failed: Download failed. No working transports found."

I did some research and found out that I need to uncomment extension=curl and extension=openssl in my php.ini , which I did.我做了一些研究,发现我需要在我的php.ini中取消注释extension=curlextension=openssl ,我这样做了。 But (after restarting XAMPP ) it's still not working.但是(重新启动XAMPP后)它仍然无法正常工作。

I also found information to add:我还找到了要添加的信息:

 Below this line: #LoadModule xml2enc_module modules/mod_xml2enc.so

     # load curl and open ssl libraries
      LoadFile “C:\php\libeay32.dll”
      LoadFile “C:\php\ssleay32.dll”
      LoadFile “C:\php\libssh2.dll”

And above this line: <IfModule unixd_module>

in the Apache config file.在 Apache 配置文件中。 But since I only have the file libssh2.dll , Apache won't start after adding these lines.但由于我只有文件libssh2.dll , Apache 在添加这些行后不会启动。


I did echo 'Curl: ', function_exists('curl_init')? 'Enabled': 'Disabled';我确实echo 'Curl: ', function_exists('curl_init')? 'Enabled': 'Disabled'; echo 'Curl: ', function_exists('curl_init')? 'Enabled': 'Disabled'; in xamp/htdocs and it told me that suddenly cURL is disabled...在 xamp/htdocs 中,它告诉我突然 cURL 被禁用......

What else could I try?我还能尝试什么?

Okay, never mind, I fixed it.好吧,没关系,我修好了。 It turns out that事实证明

extension_dir = "ext" 

in my php.ini was disabled as well.在我的php.ini中也被禁用。 After removing the;删除后; everything is working.一切正常。

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