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模板 class 的部分模板特化,例如 std::function

[英]Partial template specialization for template class like std::function

I want to create a function overload to partially specialize a template class.我想创建一个 function 重载来部分专门化模板 class。 How to make this code work?如何使这段代码工作?

template <typename T>
struct Foo;

template <typename Result, typename ... Args>
struct Foo<Result(Args...)>
    Result Bar()
        Result t;
        return t;

template <typename ... Args>
void Foo<void(Args...)>::Bar()
    // do nothing;

If it's just a single member function that should expose different behavior if Result=void , then use tag-dispatching :如果它只是一个成员 function 如果Result=void应该暴露不同的行为,那么使用标签调度

#include <type_traits>

template <typename T>
struct Foo;

template <typename Result, typename... Args>
struct Foo<Result(Args...)>
    Result Bar()
        return Bar(std::is_void<Result>{});

    Result Bar(std::false_type)
        Result t;
        // Do something
        return t;

    void Bar(std::true_type)
        // Do nothing


Alternatively, partially-specialize the whole class:或者,部分特化整个 class:

template <typename... Args>
struct Foo<void(Args...)>
    void Bar()
        // Do nothing

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